I Want To...
- Prairie Middle School
- Course Guide
One Goal. One Team. One Prairie.
One Goal. One Team. One Prairie.
We are very excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to you joining the Prairie Middle School family. This course guide is intended to help you understand what the academic experience will be for the 2024-2025 school year. Our guide contains the most up-to-date information available at the time of registration. If warranted, we will adjust our programming to fit the needs of our students. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
- Bell Schedule: Students attend four core content classes, two elective classes, lunch, and Advisory. Our schedule provides a balance of academic instruction, support, and fun!
- Academic Calendar: The academic calendar is organized into four quarters, each lasting approximately nine weeks. All core classes and Advisory are year-long. Some electives classes are year-long, while others last a semester.
- This website is available to parents/guardians and students to access a multitude of tiles to enhance student learning, such as Powerschool and Schoology.
- PowerSchool: View class schedules, grades, and attendance. It is also where parents/guardians access parent forms which are required to be completed yearly before students begin school.
- Schoology: Our online learning management system. Teachers post course information, as well as assignments, quizzes, and discussion boards.
The Hawk Experience
The Hawk Experience
The student school day extends from 8:50 AM-3:45 PM. We serve breakfast and lunch here in the building for all students. A communication plan will be sent home about students eating breakfast at the beginning of the day. After school buses depart at 3:52pm from the Bus Loop on the North Side/Jewell Avenue side of the building. For students participating in extracurriculars, late buses are available Monday through Thursday at 4:45pm.
While schedules vary by grade level, a typical day at Prairie Middle School consists of:
- Core - Core classes include Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies. These classes meet daily for approximately 55 minutes.
- Electives - Students will have two 45-minute elective periods daily. Electives support the development of the whole child. Elective classes are either yearlong or semester-length.
- Advisory - Advisory class meets for 35 minutes daily. One day a week, students will participate in a district-wide social-emotional lesson from the Second Step Curriculum. The additional 4 days will provide for fluid academic support.
- Lunch - Lunch is 30 minutes in length and provides students a “recess” outside after eating.
At Prairie, we recognize that students make mistakes. In fact, we encourage students to use their mistakes as an opportunity to learn. We know that in most areas of life, students are afforded more than one chance to achieve success. And while behaviors such as effort, organization, timeliness, and practice are important academic skills, we believe that grades should be directly related to learning.
Consistent grading practices used at Prairie are as follows:
- No Zeros: All incomplete/missing work will be scored as an NHI (50%).
- No Penalty for Late/Make-up Work
- No Extra Credit
- No participation/compliance grades: Any assignments that go into the grade book will be tied to academic standards.
- Grade book Alignment by School & Department: All teachers (regardless of department) will use an A-F scale for grading.
6th Grade Core
6th Grade Core
Language Arts
Sixth grade students will read and study a variety of genres including historical nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. Students will increase their communication skills in writing, research, and speaking throughout the year. Students will focus their writing on developing their voice in a claim, evidence, reasoning format when analyzing a piece of literature. They will also learn how to properly research a variety of topics and interests.
Honors Language Arts
Students in honors classes complete a similar curriculum as the language arts classes but read higher level materials and supplemental texts and are held to a higher standard in writing. Students will be exposed to terms and methods required by state and national standards for the grade level. Students are expected to perform more tasks semi-independently, track their own progress, and demonstrate high levels of motivation for achievement. They should read one or more years above grade level.
Math 6
The course begins with a study of area and surface area concepts. This work sets the tone for later units that use area models for arithmetic using rational numbers. Students will be introduced to discrete diagrams and double-number line diagrams to support representational thinking about equivalent ratios before moving into tables of equivalent ratios. Next, they expand their fractional reasoning with the ability to describe and represent situations involving rate, ratio, and rates per 1. Drawing on their multiplicative reasoning, students consider how the relative sizes of numerators and denominators affect the size of their quotient, moving into computing quotients of fractions, interpretations of division in situations that involve fractions, and efficient algorithms. They work with linear equations that have single occurrences of one variable, building towards writing expressions with whole-number exponents and fractions, to represent collections of equivalent ratios as equations. Students learn signed numbers, to include the representation of situations that involve inequalities, symbols, and the number line. Students will plot points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. A brief study of data and statistics concludes the new concepts in the course.
Accelerated Math 6
Accelerated 6 and Accelerated 7 provide three years of mathematics content in two years, allowing students to access Algebra 1 in 8th grade. The accelerated track helps prepare students who are interested in pursuing math and science related interests in middle school, high school, and post-secondary. The compacted nature of the course will require students to be comfortable and proficient learning math at an accelerated pace. Placement in Accelerated 6 will be determined using a body of evidence to support students' readiness for success in this course. The course begins with a study of area and surface area concepts, which sets the tone for later units that use area models for arithmetic using rational numbers. Next, students begin a study of ratios, rates, and percentages with an introduction using representations such as number line diagrams, tape diagrams, and tables. This is followed by an introduction to equations and expressions, including finding solutions for linear equations in one variable and basic equations involving exponents. Student understanding of ratios and rates combined with a basic understanding of equations leads to a study of proportional relationships. This is then followed by looking at percentage concepts. They then learn about rational numbers less than zero, expanding their understanding of arithmetic to negative numbers. A brief study of data and statistics concludes the new concepts in this course.
Social Studies
Sixth grade social studies students study the Western Hemisphere, including the Caribbean, Central America, South America & Mexico; these regions are examined within the context of ancient history and modern globalization. This curriculum provides students with an opportunity to study the geography, history, government, and economics of the specific regions. Students connect the reading and writing skills they are using in Language Arts with their respective social studies course work with a focus on improving the following literacy skills: determining cause and effect, differentiating between primary and secondary sources, drawing conclusions, and summarizing complex ideas.
The sixth grade science program is designed to provide students with the opportunity for hands-on, investigative, problem-solving experiences in a variety of science topics. In addition to developing laboratory skills, students will be given a foundation in basic science concepts, vocabulary, graphing, data analysis, measurement, and math application. Students will investigate biological, physical, and earth science concepts throughout the year. All units are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and taught at a pace that supports the student's learning. Areas of study will include: Light and Matter, Thermal Energy, Weather, Climate & Water Cycling, Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling, Natural Hazards, and Cells & Development.
6th Grade Electives
6th Grade Electives
Art 6 Studio Art
Studio Art is a semester-long course that serves as an introduction to the visual arts. Students will explore and learn the elements and principles of art through various processes, including drawing, painting, and sculpture. The course emphasizes cultural, historical, and interdisciplinary connections in each art unit.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success in their 6, 7th and/or 8th grade year. Our curriculum focuses on note-taking skills; game-based activities that foster a Growth Mindset; critical thinking skills that partner with movie clips, photography and technology; discussions, Socratic Seminars and Philosophical Chairs that help us build community-based learning.
As a year-long course, students will collaborate weekly using tutor-facilitated study groups to help support success in other classes. Students who are interested in applying to the AVID program, please click here to complete the application:
Students engage in and complete projects and activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading. All of this hard work pays off to align with field trips centered around exploring college campuses, and career opportunities.
Band 6- Woodwinds
Band 6 Woodwinds is a year-long course where students will learn to read music and play the flute, clarinet, or saxophone. Prior to joining Band 6, students will need to be tested on instruments to ensure correct course placement. Students interested in playing percussion (drums) must play one of the listed instruments during Quarter 1 and then audition for percussion during Quarter 2. Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarships are available), or rent an instrument from a music store for approximately $30 a month. Grades will include mandatory attendance and performance at after-school concerts. Students who successfully complete Woodwinds 6 may continue their musical journey in 7th Grade Band.
Band 6- Brass
Band 6 Brass is a year-long course in which students will learn to read music and play the trumpet, trombone or euphonium. Prior to joining Band 6, students will need to be tested on instruments to ensure correct course placement. Students interested in playing percussion (drums) must play one of the listed instruments during Quarter 1 and then audition for percussion during Quarter 2. Students in the Brass class will be selected to switch to French Horn and Tuba during the 2nd semester. Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarships are available), or rent an instrument from a music store for approximately $30 a month. Grades will include mandatory attendance and performance at after-school concerts. Students who successfully complete Brass 6 may continue their musical journey in 7th Grade Band.
Choir 6
Students learn to sing at a beginning level. Proper vocal production, breath support and tone control are emphasized. Students will sing in unison, rounds, canon, and in harmony. An opportunity will be available for students to explore music and its relationship to history, art and society in various cultures. Simple note reading is taught. Attendance at scheduled rehearsals and performances is mandatory and part of the student's grade. Concert attire is required. Students may further their musical journey in choir by taking choir in Semester 2 or in Choir 7.
Drama 6
Drama 6 is a semester-long introductory course designed for new and growing student actors. Sixth grade students will develop and deepen their understanding of the world of theatre. The class will explore various acting styles, including improvisation, while introducing students to theatrical technical elements such as sound, costume, sets, lighting, and make-up design. Memorization, reading, and heavy writing are required.
ELA Newcomer Elective
The ELA Newcomer elective class is intended for multilingual learners who are new to the United States and who are at the beginning stages of English language proficiency. This class provides explicit English language instruction to support MLs in communicating information, ideas, and concepts for academic success in the content areas. Placement from an ELA Specialist is required.
Get A Clue
Do you like clues, mysteries, solving puzzles, and escape rooms?
In this semester-long course, students will focus on observations, inferences, and reasoning skills like a detective! This will increase critical thinking skills and the ability to solve puzzles. Students will be introduced to forensic science and practice using their problem-solving skills to solve mini-cases! The purpose of this course is for students to deepen their understanding of science by applying scientific concepts and problem-solving skills to the field of forensic science.
Health 6
Students are exposed to many health-related topics including: self-esteem, goal setting, stress management, communication, refusal skills, conflict resolution, human growth and development, and substance abuse. Resiliency, accessing and utilizing resources, decision-making, problem-solving, refusal skills and emotional and social wellness are all key skills within the health curriculum.
PE/Wellness 6
Students are exposed to a rotation of team and individual sports including flag football, floor hockey, basketball, pickleball, badminton, volleyball, lacrosse, field hockey, softball, soccer, and floor hockey. This course focuses on the Colorado State Standards for Physical Education. The focus is on physical and personal wellness, movement and skill development, prevention and risk management, along with the knowledge needed for games and activities. Daily class activities focus on enhancing flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition, supporting students for optimal growth and development.
Orchestra 6
Strings 6 is designed for students interested in learning to read music and play a stringed instrument—violin, viola, cello, or bass—within an ensemble setting. Students will practice performing in unison, rounds, and parts while focusing on developing foundational playing skills. The class will also introduce students to various musical styles and genres.
Grades will be based on the Colorado State Standards for Instrumental Music and will include participation in mandatory evening concerts. Students may choose to provide their own instruments, rent one from the school for a $25.00 fee per semester, or rent from a music store.
Students will have the option to enroll in a semester-long or year-long Orchestra 6 class, with opportunities to continue their musical journey in the 7th-grade orchestra and beyond.
Spanish Exploratory
Students will explore the Spanish language by learning and developing basic communication skills. Students are exposed to introductory phrases, vocabulary, concepts and various aspects of Hispanic culture, including music and traditions. This introductory course on the Spanish language and cultural awareness provides a strong foundation for future language acquisition.
In this semester-long course, students are given opportunities to explore a variety of applications and techniques that include keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software, providing skills to ensure success in their future. Students will learn to use fabrication tools such as CAD and 3D printing. Students will also be introduced to media technologies such as digital art, animation, and video production.
7th Grade Core
7th Grade Core
Language Arts
Seventh grade students will read and study a variety of texts designed to gain critical thinking skills and increase background knowledge, while also developing a claim, using valid reasoning, and relevant evidence to analyze the texts they have read. They will learn how to enrich their writing using figurative language and imagery. Ultimately, they will examine how critical thinking makes reading and writing experiences more valuable.
Honors Language Arts
Students in honors complete a similar curriculum as the language arts classes but read higher level materials and supplemental texts are held to a higher standard in writing. Students will be exposed to terms and methods required by state and national standards for the grade level. Students are expected to perform more tasks semi-independently, track their own progress, and demonstrate high levels of motivation for achievement. They should read one or more years above grade level.
Math 7
Students start grade 7 by studying scale drawings, an engaging geometric topic that supports the subsequent work with proportional relationships. It also makes use of grade 6 arithmetic understanding and skill, without arithmetic becoming the major focus of attention at this point. Geometry and proportional relationships are also interwoven into the study of circles, where the important proportional relationship between a circle's circumference and its diameter is studied. By the time students reach the unit on operations with rational numbers, both positive and negative, students have had time to brush up on and solidify their understanding and skill in grade 6 arithmetic. The work on operations involving rational numbers, with its emphasis on the role of the properties of operations in determining the rules for operating with negative numbers, is a natural lead-in to the work on expressions and equations. Students then put their arithmetical and algebraic skills through the study of angles, triangles, prisms, probability, and sampling.
Accelerated Math 7
Students who have successfully completed Accelerated 6 may choose to complete this two-year compacted course sequence, preparing them for Algebra 1 in 8th grade. Students will complete their study of Math 7 topics not in Accelerated 6 and all Math 8 topics.
Students begin the course with transformational geometry. They study rigid transformations and congruence, then scale drawings, dilations, and similarity (this provides background for understanding the slope of a line in the coordinate plane). Next, they expand their ability to work with linear equations in one and two variables and deepen their understanding of equivalent expressions. They then build on their understanding of proportional relationships from the previous course to study linear relationships. Building on their understanding of a solution to an equation in one or two variables, they understand what is meant by a solution to a system of equations in two variables. They apply their understanding of linear relationships to contexts involving data with variability. Students will learn that linear relationships are a special kind of relationship called a function. They extend the definition of exponents to include all integers, and in the process codify the properties of exponents. Students will learn about order of magnitude and scientific notation. Students will encounter irrational numbers for the first time and informally extend the rational number system to the real number system, motivated by their work with the Pythagorean Theorem.
Social Studies
Seventh grade Social Studies students study the Eastern Hemisphere, focusing on the geography, history, governments, and economics of respective regions. In addition to the study of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, students investigate the relationships between globalization and cultural diffusion, specifically exploring how these concepts are woven into the fabric of modern-day societies. Students further develop skills in historical inquiry and research, comparison and contrast, and analysis of primary/secondary sources.
The seventh grade science program is designed to provide students with the opportunity for hands-on, investigative, problem-solving experiences in a variety of science topics. In addition to developing laboratory skills, students will be given a foundation in basic science concepts, vocabulary, graphing, data analysis, measurement, and math application. Students will investigate biological, physical and earth science concepts through-out the year. All units are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards. Areas of study will include Chemical Reactions, Properties of Matter, Matter and Energy Cycling, Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Natural Resources and Human Impact.
7th Grade Electives
7th Grade Electives
Art 7 Studio Art
Studio Art is a semester-long course designed as a continuation of Studio Art 6. Students will build upon and learn new art techniques through drawing, painting, ceramics and mixed media. Art units emphasize cultural, historical, and cross-content understanding.
Art 7 Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting is a semester-long course designed for art students who want to further their skills in drawing, painting, and other two-dimensional techniques. Students who elect to take this class should sincerely want to grow as artists.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success in their 6, 7th and/or 8th grade year. Our curriculum focuses on Note-taking skills; Game-based activities that foster a Growth Mindset; Critical thinking skills that partner with movie clips, photography and technology; Discussions, Socratic Seminars and Philosophical Chairs that help us build Community-based learning.
As a year-long course, students will collaborate weekly using tutor-facilitated study groups to help support success in other classes. Students who are new to the AVID program, please click here to complete the application:
Students engage and complete projects and activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading. All of this hard work pays off to align with field trips centered around exploring college campuses, and career opportunities.
Band 7
Band 7 is a year-long beginning course in which students will learn to read music and play a flute, clarinet, trumpet, or trombone. Percussion is NOT offered for this class. Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarships available), or rent one from a music store for approximately $30 a month. Students' grades will include attending and performing at mandatory evening concerts. Students may continue into the Symphonic Band class (Band III) per director's discretion in 8th grade.
Band II
Band II is a year-long course for students planning to continue their chosen instrument from Band 6. Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarships available), or rent one from a music store for approximately $30 a month. Students' grades will include attending and performing at mandatory evening concerts.
Choir 7
This class is for students who wish to pursue singing at a serious level. Careful attention is given to diction, phrasing, music reading, tone quality and rhythmic accuracy. Vocal technique is highly emphasized. Three- and four-part harmony is also emphasized. Choral literature from all periods and styles is included. Attendance at scheduled rehearsals and performances is mandatory and part of the student's grade. Concert attire is required. No prior experience is required to join this class.
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)
Do you like good mysteries, solving puzzles, and watching true crime shows?
Using science and clues to find the answer? If so, Forensic Science; Crime Scene Investigation is for you! This class will introduce students to the science of solving crimes using many skills. Forensic science is the application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies. It is a practice that incorporates various areas of science and technology. Students will learn about forensic science practices such as observation Skills, investigation process, types of evidence, photography, fingerprinting, blood types, blood pattern analysis, document analysis, and more. With relevant content, engaging explorations, and hands on activities, students will learn the science behind solving crimes.
Drama 7
This rigorous class builds on the skills learned in 6th grade drama class. Students continue to explore their own creativity through the exploration of objectives, playable actions, and physical/vocal characterization. It also includes the working of scenes from contemporary, classical, and student-composed work. Heavy memorization, reading, and writing is required.
ELA Newcomer Elective
The ELA Newcomer elective class is intended for multilingual learners who are new to the United States and who are at the beginning stages of English language proficiency. This class provides explicit English language instruction to support MLs in communicating information, ideas, and concepts for academic success in the content areas. Placement from an ELA Specialist is required.
Health 7
Students are exposed to many health related topics that may include: self-esteem, goal setting, stress management, communication, refusal skills, conflict resolution, human growth and development, and substance abuse. Resiliency, accessing and utilizing resources, decision-making, problem-solving, refusal skills and emotional and social wellness are all key skills within the health curriculum.
PE/Wellness 7
Students are exposed to a rotation of team and Individual sports including: flag football, floor hockey, basketball, pickle-ball, badminton, volleyball, lacrosse, field hockey, softball, soccer, ringette and fitness. This course focuses on the Colorado State Standards for Physical Education. The focus is on physical and personal wellness, movement and skill development, prevention and risk management along with the knowledge needed for games and activities. Daily class activities improve flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition, developing students for optimal growth and development.
Orchestra 7
Orchestra 7 is a year-long beginning class for students who want to learn music reading and play one of the stringed instruments (violin, viola, cello, or bass) in an ensemble setting. Students with previous playing experience may take this class to learn a different stringed instrument. Students will learn to perform in unison, rounds, and parts. The class will focus on developing basic playing skills and expose students to different music styles and genres. Students' grades will based on the Colorado State Standards for Instrumental Music, include attending and performing at mandatory evening concerts. Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarship available), or rent the instrument from a music store. Students who successfully completed this class may continue into Concert Orchestra (Orchestra III) per director's discretion in 8th Grade.
Orchestra II
Orchestra II (Intermediate Orchestra) is a year-long performing arts class designed for 7th-grade students planning to continue their chosen instrument from Strings 6 or with prior playing experience. Students will continue building upon previous knowledge to improve their musical and ensemble playing skills. Students' grades will be based on the Colorado State Standards for Instrumental Music, including attending and performing at evening concerts. Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarship available), or rent one from a music store. Students may enroll in Concert Orchestra (Orchestra III) in 8th Grade to further their playing and musical journey.
Spanish 1
Students have the option of choosing a year-long (Spanish 1A) or a semester-long Spanish (Spanish 1) course. This course introduces basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish with an emphasis on communication, culturally relevant music, and traditions.
Steam Explorations
In this course, students will learn and actively use the Engineering and Design Process to bring their designs to life. From fabrication tools to CAD and 3D printing, students are exposed to basic software, tools, and equipment found at the foundation of any CTE STEM pathway. Students will utilize design software (OnShape ), Arduinos, coding, and other tools to manufacture new products. The course will end with students using all course skills to collaboratively create a final project.
Students are given opportunities to explore a variety of applications and techniques that include keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software providing skills to ensure success in their future. Students will learn to use fabrication tools such as CAD and 3D printing. Students will also be introduced to media technologies such as digital art, animation, video production and audio modification. This course is not a repeat of 6th grade tech, but revisits many of the skills that were introduced in the 6th grade course. This class takes the skills to a new level by introducing more advanced software, coding languages and technology equipment.
8th Grade Core
8th Grade Core
Language Arts
Eighth grade students will read and analyze a variety of texts. Texts will foster understanding of self and the world. Students will focus on improving organization, development, and style in writing. Throughout the school year, students will be empowered to improve their critical thinking skills in both reading and writing.
Honors Language Arts
Students in honors classes complete a similar curriculum as the language arts classes but read higher-level materials and supplemental texts are held to a higher standard in writing. Students will be exposed to terms and methods required by state and national standards for the grade level. Students are expected to perform more tasks semi-independently, track their own progress, and demonstrate high levels of motivation for achievement. They should read one or more years above grade level.
Math 8
Students begin grade 8 with transformational geometry. They study rigid transformations and congruence, then dilations and similarity (this provides background for understanding the slope of a line in the coordinate plane). Next, they build on their understanding of proportional relationships from grade 7 to study linear relationships. They expand their ability to work with linear equations in one and two variables. Building on their understanding of a solution to an equation in one or two variables, they understand what is meant by a solution to a system of equations in two variables. They learn that linear relationships are an example of a function to contexts involving data with variability. They extend the definition of linear relationships to include all integers, and in the process codify the properties of exponents. They learn about orders of magnitude and scientific notation. Students encounter irrational numbers for the first time and informally extend the rational number system to the real number system, motivated by their work with the Pythagorean Theorem.
Algebra 1
This is a cognitively demanding honors level Algebra 1 course. It is written to align with the first of three courses in the traditional pathway of the high school Common Core State Standards. Each of the three courses, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2, contain standards from statistics and probability. The two algebra courses contain the bulk of the work in number and quantity, algebra, and functions. The major purpose of Algebra 1 is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades, working with linear and exponential functions, solving systems of equations and inequalities, and analyzing data. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, create mathematical learning experiences based upon reasoning and sense-making, building perseverance and problem-solving skills, and rich mathematical discourse.
Social Studies
Eighth grade social studies classes focus on United States history and government from colonization through the post-Civil War Reconstruction period. Students will examine history through the lens of colonists, founders, enslaved persons, indigenous peoples, settlers and broader communities. Students are challenged to analyze primary and secondary sources, support claims with evidence, use maps, globes and graphic representation tools, understand reliable sources, examine economic influences, make connections between past and present and understand different viewpoints and cultures in history.
The eighth grade science program is designed to provide students with the opportunity for hands-on, investigative, problem-solving experiences in a variety of science topics. In addition to developing laboratory skills, students will be given a foundation in basic science concepts, vocabulary, graphing, data analysis, measurement, and math application. Students will investigate biological, physical, and earth science concepts throughout the year. All units are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and taught at a pace that supports the student's learning. Areas of study will include Forces, Waves, Energy, Earth in Space, Genetics, Natural Selection and Common Ancestry.
8th Grade Electives
8th Grade Electives
Art 8 Studio Art
Studio Art is a semester-long course designed as a continuation of Studio Art 7. Students will build upon and learn new art techniques through drawing, painting, ceramics and mixed media. Art units emphasize cultural, historical, and cross-content understanding.
Art 8 3D Art
Three-dimensional (3D) Art is a semester-long course designed for art students who want to further their skills working three-dimensionally. Students will be introduced to working with a variety of mediums, sculpture techniques, and concepts. Students who elect to take this class should sincerely desire to grow as artists.
Art 8 Drawing and Painting
Drawing and Painting is a semester-long course designed for art students who want to further their skills in drawing, painting and other two-dimensional techniques. Students who elect to take this class should sincerely want to grow as artists.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success in their 6, 7th and/or 8th grade years. Our curriculum focuses on note-taking skills; game-based activities that foster a Growth Mindset; critical thinking skills that partner with movie clips, photography and technology; discussions, Socratic Seminars and Philosophical Chairs that help us build community-based learning.
As a year-long course, students will collaborate weekly using tutor-facilitated study groups to help support success in other classes. Students who are new to the AVID program, please click here to complete the application: Students engage and complete projects and activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading. All of this hard work pays off to align with field trips centered around exploring college campuses, and career opportunities.
Band 8
Band 8 is a year-long beginning course in which students will learn to read music and play a flute, clarinet, trumpet, and Trombone. Percussion is NOT offered for this class. Students may choose to provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50.00 fee (scholarships available), or rent one from a music store for approximately $30 a month. Students' grades will include attending and performing at mandatory evening concerts.
Band III
Band III is a year-long course for students planning to continue their chosen instrument from either Band 7 or Band II (Concert Band). Students may provide their own instrument, rent one from the school for a $50 fee (scholarships available), or rent one from a music store for around $30 a month. Students' grades will include attending and performing at mandatory evening concerts including combined performances with Overland High School Bands.
Choir 8
This class is for students who wish to pursue singing at a serious level. Careful attention is given to diction, phrasing, music reading, tone quality and rhythmic accuracy. Vocal technique is highly emphasized. Three- and four-part harmony is also emphasized. Choral literature from all periods and styles is included. This class will have more opportunities for solo and group performances, including an evening performance with Overland High School. Attendance at scheduled rehearsals and performances is mandatory and part of the student's grade. Concert attire is required. No prior experience is needed to join this class.
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)
Do you like good mysteries, solving puzzles, and watching true crime shows? Using science and clues to find the answer? If so, Forensic Science; Crime Scene Investigation is for you! This class will introduce students to the science of solving crimes using many skills. Forensic science is the application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies. It is a practice that incorporates various areas of science and technology. Students will learn about forensic science practices such as observation skills, investigation process, types of evidence, photography, fingerprinting, blood types, blood pattern analysis, document analysis, and more. With relevant content, engaging explorations, and hands-on activities, students will learn the science behind solving crimes.
Drama 8
As a follow-up to 6th and 7th grade theatre offerings, this course introduces students to the world of public speaking and "improv" in a comfortable classroom setting. Students will learn the nuances of delivering information and persuasive speeches and/or monologues. Heavy memorization, reading, and heavy writing is required.
Drama Production
Students will go into depth in performance by analyzing characters and evaluating plays performed at Prairie. Students will be required to participate in after school plays through acting, tech and/or house management. Students must have taken Drama previously to enroll in Drama Production 8.
ELA Newcomer Elective
The ELA Newcomer elective class is intended for multilingual learners who are new to the United States and who are at the beginning stages of English language proficiency. This class provides explicit English language instruction to support MLs in communicating information, ideas, and concepts for academic success in the content areas. Placement from an ELA Specialist is required.
Health 8
Students are exposed to many health related topics including: self-esteem, goal setting, stress management, communication, refusal skills, conflict resolution, human growth and development, and substance abuse. Resiliency, accessing and utilizing resources, decision-making, problem-solving, refusal skills and emotional and social wellness are all key skills within the health curriculum.
PE/Wellness 8
Students are exposed to a rotation of teams and individual sports, including: flag football, floor hockey, basketball, pickle-ball, badminton, volleyball, lacrosse, field hockey, softball, soccer, ringette and fitness. This course focuses on the Colorado State Standards for Physical Education. The focus is on physical and personal wellness, movement and skill development, prevention and risk management, along with the knowledge needed for games and activities. Daily class activities improve flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition, developing students for optimal growth and development.
Spanish 1
Students have the option of choosing a semester-long Spanish course. This course introduces basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish with an emphasis on communication.
Spanish 1A/ Spanish for Native Speakers
Spanish 1A is a year-long course for 8th grader students who had taken at least one semester of Spanish prior (with the teacher's approval) and/or native Spanish speakers. This class is a continuation of Spanish 1 and is tailored for native Spanish speakers. Students who took Spanish 1A will take Spanish 2 as freshmen in high school.
Technology 8
Technology is an exploratory opportunity available to all students at Prairie. Students are given opportunities to explore a variety of applications and techniques that include keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software providing skills to ensure success in their future. Students will also have opportunities to pursue graphics creation, graphic manipulation, mixed media documents, mixed media productions, video production, animation, and other possibilities of their own choosing. After successful completion of a semester of Technology, students will have the opportunity to participate in Prairie’s News Network (PNN Productions) where they will actively work on the scriptwriting, filming, production and announcing of PNN Daily Video Announcements and PNN Special Productions.
Prairie News Network (PNN) 8
The focus of this course is providing technical and public speaking skills needed to create broadcast news style video content. Students work collaboratively in small groups creating Prairie’s Daily Video Announcements and PNN Special Productions. Students will appear in front of the camera building public speaking confidence. Plus they work behind the scenes writing scripts, learning camera techniques, learning video/audio editing software, creating current event segments, public service announcements, commercials, documenting school events, and recording special events. The course is project oriented allowing the development of critical thinking skills, organization and collaboration while producing unique projects. Each student has multiple leadership opportunities as they anchor the daily video news broadcasts, learn the use of green-screen studio, use various audio/video recording equipment, learn the use of editing software, and create high-quality final productions.
English Language Services
English Language Learner Support (ELS)
English Language Support (ELS) is a program designed to support students who speak languages in addition to English. The goal is for multilingual learners to participate in and experience success in mainstream content classes while also developing English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. While students are learning English, they are also learning math, science, social studies and language arts. Prairie Middle School offers a variety of ELS and co-taught classes for multilingual learners depending on their English language acquisition level. Teachers in the ELS department are specifically trained to teach students who are learning English. Each student's level of support will be based on their individual needs. Those supports include instructional strategies, lesson delivery, and assessments that are designed based on the student's level of English proficiency.
Student Achievement Services (Special Education)
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented Programming (GT)
Gifted and talented students are identified through the formal process that includes both cognitive and achievement testing as well as academic and behavioral observations. All identified GT students have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), which contains individualized academic and social-emotional goals that are evaluated on a yearly basis.
We also offer GT services for students who are in the process of being identified, who we identify as Talent Pool. Aside from Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs), Talent Pool students are offered the same opportunities for challenge as those extended to GT students, as well as enrollment in GT Advisory where possible for affective needs curriculum specific to their specific behaviors and ways of thinking.
Our Accelerated Mathematics, Honors Language Arts, GT Social Studies and GT Science Cluster Groupings are an enriched sequence of academic courses that may be appropriate for GT students. These programs are designed for Grades 6-8 students who show a high level of interest and talent in mathematics, reading and writing, or scientific thinking. Additionally, students identified in the arts, have an opportunity to participate in our much-celebrated visual and performing arts programs. GT students are also offered a GT Advisory where they receive support to explore common social-emotional needs as well as time and space to connect with like-minded peers.
After School Activities
After School Activities
At the end of the school day, students may choose to stay and participate in athletics, activities, and a variety of clubs. We encourage students to take advantage of these enrichment opportunities. Students who complement their academic day with extracurricular experiences enjoy school more and make stronger connections with both peers and teachers.
- Athletics: The athletic program at Prairie encourages participation and emphasizes teamwork and sportsmanship. No previous experience is needed, and skills are taught to athletes with varying ability levels. Physicals are not required. Transportation is provided to all away competitions. There is a registration fee to participate in athletics, and scholarships are available. Track, basketball, girl’s volleyball, and wrestling are offered at all grade levels.
- Activities: Prairie offers a variety of extracurricular clubs and activities. These may include Art Club, Black Student Alliance, Chess Club, D&D, Drama Club, GSA, Math League, National Junior Honor Society, Spelling Bee, Student Council, Minecraft Club, WEB, and Yearbook. Some activities do include an additional fee to cover the cost of materials. Scholarships are available.
- Tutorials: Any student can come to Tutorials to receive homework help, complete make-up work, or get support with assignments.
An activity bus is available for students Monday – Thursday each week. The activity bus departs at 4:45 p.m.