
  • Graphing calculators are required for ALL CTHS Math courses.

    CTHS Mathematics Calculator Policy

    A graphing calculator is required for all upper-level math courses. For all Algebra 1 and Geometry courses, a graphing calculator is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED, but a scientific calculator will suffice for these two courses. Calculators on cell phones do not have the capabilities we need, so they are not adequate for classwork. Our courses have exams that require the use of a calculator and exams where the use of a calculator is prohibited. Students need to know how to do math without calculators. It is equally important that they learn how to use the current technology as a tool for when the numbers and problems get really "ugly". It is a student's responsibility to obtain and bring the appropriate calculator each day. As a math department, we do not have any "classroom" graphing calculators to lend students, even on test days. Be sure to obtain the correct graphing calculator and bring it every day!

    Calculator Requirements:

    The following courses require a graphing calculator:

    Geometry/Precalculus Honors, Algebra 2, Algebra 2/Precalculus Honors, Introductory/Intermediate College Algebra, College Algebra, College Trigonometry, College Statistics, AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Precalculus, IB Applications and Interpretations 1 and 2, IB Analysis and Approaches 1 and 2.

    Graphing Calculators:

    TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84, TI-84+, TI-84+ C or the TI-Nspire (non-CAS). The "Silver Editions" of the calculators are more expensive because they hold more memory and come with more tools. "Silver Editions" are great but not necessary. These calculators cost between $99 and $120 new. Calculators can also be rented for a yearly fee of $25, using the rental agreement on this page.