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About Us
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- General Information
The Library & Technology Center is an attractive research and study area located on the second floor near the main office. Large windows offer stunning views of Aurora Reservoir, Legacy Stadium, Fox Ridge Middle School, and the surrounding hills.
The mission of the library is to provide students and staff with the resources and training they need to excel academically and to grow intellectually.
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm.The library may on rare occasions have to open late or close early due to special events. If so, the library staff will make every effort to post the change on the front library door.
Expectations in the Library and Technology Center:
The library staff expects students to respect the academic atmosphere in the library by working quietly, respecting the seating arrangements, and following all school rules. Students are asked to talk in low voices in order to not disturb others in the academic environment. Sleeping in the library is permitted.
Students are expected to wear and display their school ID cards at all times.
No hats, do-rags, or hoodies (with the hood up) are permitted. The school dress code is enforced.
All food (including candy) and drinks (with the exception of water) are prohibited in the library. Students who violate this rule will be asked to leave the library.
Library computers must be used for academic work during the school day. After school students may use the computers for school-appropriate games, social networking, shopping, etc.
Smartphones, iPods/MP3 players, and personal laptops are allowed if used quietly, individually, and appropriately.
Student Resources:
- Inviting atmosphere for individual study
- Comfortable reading chairs
- Study room for individual use
- Library book, classroom textbooks, and classroom novel checkout
- Library sections: Non-fiction, Fiction, Reference, Biography, Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Magazines
- Current local and national newspapers and magazines
- Computers with high-speed internet access, online book catalog, electronic research databases, student Schoology accounts, student email, classroom apps
- Free printing (for academic work), Xerox machine, color printer ($.50/page), and other tech resources
- A/V Production equipment
- Butcher paper, die-cuts, laminator
Library Services and Borrowing Terms:
- ID cards should be presented for all checkouts
- Overdue books and account blocks must be cleared before new materials may be checked out. Materials should be returned on or before the due date.
- Non-fiction—4 weeks (3 items max)
- Fiction—4 weeks borrowing term (3 items max)
- Reference materials—overnight borrowing term (3 items max)
- Magazines—4 weeks borrowing term(3 items max)
- Holds may be placed on items
- Interlibrary loan (borrowing books from other CCSD schools)
Students may access their library accounts via the web to see current checkouts, renew items, fines, etc, here: Student library account login
Payment is required for lost or damaged materials.
The library staff is always available during business hours for assistance in locating resources and answering questions. Student suggestions for library improvements and requests for materials are always welcome.
Library Staff
Paul Whipple
Library Coordinator720-886-1985 -
Jean Musial
Library Secretary720-886-2234 -
Katie Cooper
Library Secretary720-886-2218
Online Resources
Access World News
Access World News features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local sources.
NoodleTools (citation making product)
To access Noodletools (students and staff):
1) Log into your account
2) Click on the myLibrary link
3) Click on NoodleTools
4) Select Cherokee Trail High School
5) Create a New Project which will allow you to create citations from the “Sources” tab
See Mr. Whipple for assistance
Denver Post
Follow these steps to get Denver Post e-access for a school year:
--Click here to get started
--Click Sign-in
--Click on the Sign in with Google button, choose your CCSD account
-If asked for a username/password, enter: cths/cougars
--Click on the Read Online or View E-Edition button
Your account should last for a school year.
Wall Street Journal Digital access
Click on the SIGN IN link in the upper right corner of the webpage. You'll have to enter the username/password once...
Password: cougars2022
Please remember that we are not permitted to share the sign-on credentials with any other person whatsoever. Any violation of this clause will result in Dow Jones terminating access for our school.
New York Times digital access
CCSD provides free access to the New York Times digital edition.