Parents' At-A-Glance Reference Guide

  • Parent Forms open each year on July 1. - Follow this link for instructions on completing your parent forms.

    What do I do if my student is absent or tardy?

    To report your student absent or tardy, please call our attendance line at 720-886-2995. As a general rule, teachers do not provide missed work during vacations.  Please speak to your child's teacher regarding work missed due to illness or injury. 

    What do I do if I need to take my child home from school early?

    First, we ask that all parents check in at the office and sign out their children.  The office staff will contact the classroom teacher and have him/her sent down to the office.  This will give your child and teacher time to gather his/her backpack and homework. Please do not go to the classroom to pick up your child.

    What if my plans change during the day and I need to change my end of the day plan?

    If plans change for you, please call the main office and we will have you leave a voicemail for the teacher.  If you know ahead of time, please contact the office and teacher about the change in plans. Because the office is very busy at the end of the day, we ask that you call with any changes no later than 2:10 p.m. at 720-886-2900.

    Can my child bring electronics/toys to school?

    We strongly discourage any electronics (iPads, game boys, iPods) or toys from being brought to school. Any items brought to school must remain in their backpacks while on school grounds. The school will not be held responsible for lost items. Any electronics used inappropriately will be confiscated and will be released to a parent/guardian only.

    What if my child needs to bring a cell phone?

    Similar to electronics, cell phones must be turned off and left in backpacks while at school. Sunrise has phones for student use during the school days. Walkie-talkies are used on the playground for office communication. Cell phones used inappropriately will be confiscated and released to parents/ guardians only. Some teachers may collect phones at the beginning of each day and return them at dismissal.

    What happens to lost & found items?

    All lost items found are placed in the lost and found located at the k/1 exit area. Students need to check for items they may have lost. Marking your child's coat, etc. with his/her name is recommended. Items that are not claimed will be donated to charity or recycled several times throughout the year.

    Can I meet my child outside his/her classroom?

    No, please meet your child at the designated dismissal door outside the building. All students leaving before dismissal must be checked out through the office.

    Can my child ride his/her bike/scooter to school?

    Yes, however, our policy is “Walk Your Wheels.” If your child rides his/her bike or scooter, we ask that they walk them while on school grounds. Bikes/scooters must be parked and locked up at the bike racks. Scooters will not be permitted to be stored in the building.

    What happens if my child gets sick at school?

    Students who are feeling ill are sent to the clinic for a temperature check. If we determine the child is too ill to remain in class, the parents will be notified. For this reason, it is critical that current emergency information and numbers are kept up to date at PLEASE do not send your child to school if he/she is already sick before school begins.

    Can my child take medication at school?

    ANY medication that must be taken at school, prescription or over-the-counter, must be kept in its original container and locked in the clinic medicine cabinet. A medical release form with the doctor's and parent's signatures must be on file. Both of these requirements are state laws. Students are not allowed to carry medication with them at any time at school, on the bus, in lunch boxes, or in the classroom.

    How do I drop off and pick up my child?

    When picking up or dropping off your children, please remember to stay in your vehicle and move forward with traffic. If you wish to walk your child to their door, please park in designated areas. Please reinforce good safety procedures by using the crosswalks. Please do not drop children off in the bus lanes or in no parking areas with a painted red curb.

    May I bring an item my student has forgotten?

    While we stress the importance of students being responsible and prepared for their day, sometimes the need arises when items need to be brought in during the school day. Rather than disrupt the classroom with a delivery, parents should leave these items in the front vestibule. The student will be called to pick them up at their teacher's convenience.

Last Modified on January 8, 2025