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- Tobacco, Nicotine and Vaping
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...Ditch Nicotine
DID YOU KNOW: Colorado youth are vaping nicotine at twice the national average. 1 in 5 teens says they vape! Although vape products contain dangerous toxins, including heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals - only half of Colorado youth surveyed think vaping is 'risky.'
DID YOU KNOW: Young people who took up vaping were more than four times more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes a year later, according to one study.
DID YOU KNOW: Most students assume they are vaping WATER VAPOR. It’s not harmless, and it’s not just water vapor. It may contain toxins, potentially cancerous agents, and dangerous chemicals, like diacetyl, which is known to cause a fatal lung disease called popcorn lung. It most often contains a combination of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and nicotine.
DID YOU KNOW: You can find a wealth of knowledge on how to talk to your kids about tobacco and vaping. Parents and trusted adults play a critical role in the prevention of adolescent tobacco/nicotine use. Click on the resources below to learn more about the Vaping epidemic and to access tips for talking with your child: