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- Cherokee Trail High School
- Substance Use Prevention
- Marijuana Prevention
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Marijuana Prevention
DID YOU KNOW: As children enter high school their chances of being offered marijuana and other drugs increase.
DID YOU KNOW: 35% of students admit trying Marijuana.
DID YOU KNOW: Most students assume their peers ARE using Marijuana, however, 4 out of 5 students in Colorado DO NOT USE. Student’s perception of peer marijuana use has a direct correlation with their perception of the risk.DID YOU KNOW: Youth who think marijuana use is risky are almost 80% LESS likely to start using?
DID YOU KNOW: As the risk grows, it’s important to have frequent, positive, and open conversations with our kids about the choices they face. Parents and trusted adults play a critical role in the prevention of adolescent substance use.
DID YOU KNOW: You can find a wealth of knowledge on how to talk to your kids about substance use. Click on the resources below to access tips for talking with your child: