Our Highline Vision, Mission, Beliefs & Commitments




    Our Vision:

    We cultivate our community of learners with a sense of belonging and curiosity.  We instill a passion and stamina for learning to continue our intellectual, social, and emotional development to create an inclusive, anti-racist world. 


    Our Mission:

    Share your story - Power your potential!

    Our Beliefs:

    • We believe all students deserve access to rigorous instruction.
    • We believe all students can achieve high levels of learning.
    • We believe in partnership with families.
    • We believe we can learn from everyone’s story and listen with empathy.
    • We believe it is our collective responsibility to dismantle systemic racism in our learning community.


    Our Commitments to the Greater Highline Community:

    • We commit to the continuous development of independent learners by challenging our students with rigorous, engaging learning experiences.
    • We commit to building, fostering, and nurturing relationships with students, families, and each other.
    • We commit to examining our own implicit biases in order to develop our racial and linguistic consciousness to be anti-racist educators.
    • We commit to understanding each student’s story and their needs to support the whole child in a physically and emotionally safe learning environment.
    • We commit to including, affirming, and valuing our community.
Last Modified on June 5, 2024