• Remote Learning at Dakota Valley




    K-2 Students

    3-5 Students


    • Synchronous Learning (Live Virtual learning) Reading, Math, Writing Science, Social St., Specials
    • Asynchronous Learning (Students work on their own)
    • Small Group/One-on-one work with the teacher
    • Instructional Support





    • Asynchronous Learning (Students work on their own)
    • Small Group/One-on-one work with the teacher
    • Instructional Support
    • Synchronous Learning (Live Virtual learning) Reading, Math, Writing Science, Social St., Specials



    Remote:  A time when students are learning from home.

    Synchronous:  A time when the students in the color cohort meet with the teacher live on Zoom, Google Meets, or Microsoft Teams, our official video conferencing platform.

    Asynchronous:  A time when the students work independently on work the teacher has assigned via Schoology, Seesaw, Google Suites etc.

    Instructional Support:  A time when the teacher is available through email and/or video conferencing to meet with students. Meetings during office hours may be scheduled in advance. 


    Remote Learning Expectations

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    • Will my student receive a grade?  We will be grading and assessing our students so we are able to ensure their learning and make adjustments when needed.  
    • Is attendance required?  We will be taking attendance each day as if we were still in-person.  Attendance is important and we need all kids online as much as possible so they are able to continue learning.