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    Grade Level Seminars

    Counseling Curriculum

    Students at Grandview complete a grade-level seminar during each year of high school. These seminars are developed and implemented by the Grandview Counseling Department. Each grade-level seminar is part of the student’s ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan).  The grade-level seminar tasks and the ICAP assist students in planning  their four years of high school and success upon graduation. Students will leave Grandview with a post-secondary and career goal in mind.While seminar is not a physical class, students are required to complete various tasks throughout the year. Seminar tasks will be introduced in the fall semester when counselors present to all students. Students will earn .125 credit and a grade of “S” (satisfactory) for each seminar, totaling .5 credit. Most tasks can be found on Naviance under the “Planner” tab, then select “Tasks”.