• New Student Enrollment and Registration Information

    If you have recently moved into our area, or your student has been attending a school outside the Cherry Creek School District, you must first register with district admissions.  Please visit the district website: Student Registration / Change of Address  for information on enrolling in the Cherry Creek School District.

    Our Admissions Specialist will process your registration and send you school assignment information for your student. If you have been assigned to Campus Middle School, please email our registrar, Jennifer Loehr, at jloehr@cherrycreekschools.org. We will send you registration information via email prior to the start of school.  This email will contain more information about Campus and about registering for elective courses.

    We will send a records request to your previous school. However, if there is information we need for the start of school, please include pertinent records, if available, when you contact our registrar.  This may include:

    • Copy of the student’s final report card from previous school
    • Copy of the most recent IEP, 504 (if applicable)
    • Standardized test scores
Last Modified on December 10, 2021