• To Change or Update Address:

    To update/verify your home address, or to add a second household, please e-mail the Student Household Information Form, your Verification of Residency documentation (only required if you live in the district) and your photo ID to admissions@cherrycreekschools.org. Please also include the following in your email message to expedite processing:

    1. Name of all the students that live in the household
    2. If the school of residence is changing, please indicate if you want your child to attend the new school, or if you would like for them to remain at the current school for the remainder of the school year. If you wish to have your student remain at the current school through the highest grade level, a School Choice application will be required. (Note: If your student remains at the current school, you will be responsible for transportation to and from school).
    3. If your new address is outside the Cherry Creek District boundary, you may request to have your student remain at the current school for the remainder of the school year. A School Choice application will be required for continued enrollment after the current school year. (Note: If your student remains at the current school, you will be responsible for transportation to and from school).  

    You will be contacted directly by the Admissions Specialist processing your change of address for questions, or confirmation that we have completed the request. Admissions will also notify the school(s) if any additional steps are necessary. 


    Parent Residency Verification Examples:

    Proof of residency at the identified address is required. Below are GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.  Due to specific circumstances, residency documentation may be unique to your situation.

    • If you OWN your home, provide ONE of the following:

      • Current Gas or Electric Bill within 30 days (No Disconnect or Final Notices) - Include all of Page 1 AND Page 2 of the bill
      • Warranty Deed - must be signed within the last 60 days
      • Three pieces of current USPS business mail received within the past 30 days - The address, date and your name must be visible. We will also accept e-statements and e-bills for 2 of the 3 pieces.
      • Future BUILD - A letter from the Builder with Completion Date within the current semester
      • Future Purchase Contract - Complete, signed contract with Possession Date and Closing Date within the current semester.
    • If you RENT, provide ONE of the following:

      • Current Gas or Electric Bill received within the past 30 days (No Disconnect or Final Notices) - Include all of Page 1 AND Page 2 of the bill. 
      • A fully executed Lease Agreement for a new property leased within the last 60 days (No sub-lease) - Signatures from the lessee and the Landlord/Property Manager are required.
      • Three pieces of current USPS business mail received within the past 30 days - The address, date and your name must be visible. We will also accept e-statements and e-bills for 2 of the 3 pieces.
      • Future Lease - Fully executed Lease Agreement and a receipt of the first month's rent payment.  (During the school year, you must be moving in within two weeks of the requested start date). Signatures from the lessee and the Landlord/Property Manager are required.  
    • If you LIVE WITH ANOTHER FAMILY, please provide ALL the following THREE items:

      1. CO-RESIDING RESIDENCY FORM - Completed and Signed
      2. Verification of residency for the family with whom you are living with, such as their current gas/electric bill.
      3. Current proof of your residency at that address. (ie: bank statement, insurance statement, new Colorado driver's license receipt, mail received, etc.), with your name, the address and the date clearly listed.

        Families with Transitional Housing Situations or Experiencing Homelessness

        If your living situation has changed for any of the following reasons, please text, email or call the CCSD McKinney-Vento and Community Engagement team at (303) 681-4513 or mckinneyvento@cherrycreekschools.org 

        Do any of the following apply to the current housing situation for the student?

        • In an emergency or transitional shelter,
        • In a motel, hotel or campsite due to lack of alternative, adequate accommodations,
        • In a car, park, temporary RV, abandoned building, substandard housing, public or private space not designated for human beings or similar setting,
        • Living with another family due to loss of housing or economic hardship; "doubled-up."

        Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under federal laws.


Last Modified on October 16, 2024