Activities & Clubs

  • Woodland Elementary offers the following clubs after school hours. 

    1. Battle of the Books - Led by Ms. Eblade, our 5th grade teacher, this group of 4th & 5th grade students meet twelve times, including the CCSD Battle of the Books, to explore a variety of fiction and non-fiction books. They will then compete against other schools with their knowledge of what they have read. 
    2. Student Council - 4th & 5th graders learn to be a leader on student council. They take part in helping the school with many activities throughout the year. 
    3. Game Club - Led by Ms. Naaz, Kindies through 5th graders learn & play fun and strategy games like Connect4, Chess, UNO, Mastermind, Pokémon, Mancala, Chutes & ladders etc to help build social skills, critical thinking and team work. 
    4. Fibers Club - Led by Ms. Pershing, our Art Teacher, 2nd through 5th graders will be making their very own Mini-stuffy and pencil case.  
    5. Choir - 4th & 5th graders who love to sing! 
    6. Minecraft Club - Led by Mr. Sean, our Tech guy, Grades KG - 5, it's a collaborative space where students build, problem - solve and explore creativity together in a virtual world. 
    7. Girls on the Run - Calling all 3rd - 5th grade girls - GOTR is ready to help girls thrive and shine while developing critical social and emotional skills & being physically active. 
    8. Intramurals - Led by Ms. J, our P. E teacher, 2nd - 5th graders, the program helps develop physical fitness, enhances positive competition, develops character, and gives students the opportunity to try new sports.
    9. Woodland Weekly Newscast - Grade 1 to 5. Learn to be a broadcast journalist and do the "News" for Woodland Elementary! 
    10. Red Shirt Rookies - An Elementary-based unified program through Special Olympics Colorado. Red Shirt Rookies programs will focus on sports skills and culminate with an introduction to game play. Each session will imitate a more traditional sports practice. 
    11. Math Challenge Club - Led by Ms.Kimbrel , our G & T teacher, it' s great opportunity for 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students to look at math in deeper and challenging ways. Each week, students work on our problem-solving and critical thinking skills by exploring various math problems.
    12. Theater Workshop Club - Led by Mr.Casey & Ms.Vermilion, In this introduction to drama, students will learn the fundamentals of acting. They will work on movement, emotion, stage direction, memorization, and rehearsal of a short play. 



    All information relating to individual clubs will be sent out to families at the start of the school year.


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Last Modified on October 29, 2024