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- Cherry Creek Elevation(6-12)
- Elevation Attendance Policies
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Attendance Phone Number: 720-554-5895
Attendance for Virtual Classes (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)Virtual classes are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Students must log in to their virtual classes and attend each scheduled class. Attendance is taken based on students being logged into the virtual classroom at the beginning of the period. Communication to parents will go out by the end of the school day on Tuesday and Wednesday for missed virtual class periods.
Attendance for Click (asynchronous) and Brick (face-to-face) DaysStudents are to submit between 2 and 5 assignments in each course per week to keep them on track to finish that course's work prior to the end of the grading period. If a student does not submit any assignments for a course in a given week (Tuesday through the following Monday), they will be counted absent for the click and brick days (Thursday, Friday, and Monday).
Teachers review student login activity and progress made weekly to determine whether a student attended. They take attendance on Tuesday for the PREVIOUS week of submissions. Communication will go out on Wednesday notifying parents of absences for Click/Brick Days.