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- Smoky Hill High School
- Deans
Monte Reynolds, Dean Coordinator (Alpha M-Z) Discipline
Assistant to Mr. Reynolds, Danielle Clyatt
(720) 886-5448
mreynolds12@cherrycreekschools.org -
A.J. Williams, Student Support Administrator
Assistant to Mr. Williams, Greta Douglas
(720) 886-5449
awilliams7@cherrycreekschools.org -
Maryjel Cochrane, Student Support Administrator
Assistant to Mrs. Cochrane, Danielle Clyatt
(720) 886-5448
mcochrane@cherrycreekschools.org -
Sarah Watts, Dean (Alpha A-L) Discipline
Assistant to Mrs. Watts, Greta Douglas
(720) 886-5449
District Discipline Policies
Please take time to review the following districts and school policies in detail and contact your dean with any questions. Full policy can be reviewed using Board Docs (Select JICDA for full policy about Student Conduct and Discipline)
I.D. Cards
This card identifies you as a student at Smoky Hill High School. Every student is required to wear a school-issued I.D. card on their person at all times while on Cherry Creek School District Property. Students are expected to provide the card upon request. Failure to comply with ID expectations will result in disciplinary action. New ID cards can be printed at our security desk in Activities.
ID Policy Enforcement
Students will be asked throughout the day to produce their physical student ID card if it is not visible on their person. If a student cannot produce their physical ID, they will be provided a temporary ID sticker to wear. If the ID is lost, students will be directed to go on their own time to the security office and have a new ID card printed. Students will receive one free ID replacement. Subsequent ID cards will be charged to student accounts. If students refuse or continue to not be able to produce an ID, they may face disciplinary consequences.
- 3 Student ID Violations: Dean Conference
- 5 Student ID Violations: Academic Recovery during off period
- 7 Student ID Violations: Loss of Privileges
- 10 Student ID Violations: Saturday School
- 10+ Student ID Violations: In-person Parent Conference