• Banner of medical items like nurse hat, bandages, and medicine bottles

    News from the School Nurse

    Welcome to Meadow Point Elementary! I am Nurse Jessica. My primary goal as the school nurse here at Meadow Point Elementary is to support the health and safety of your student/s during the school day. To help provide and partner together for the best care of your student/s. Here are some important health information reminders for your review:


    Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless they have a certificate of medical or nonmedical exemption on file. (SB20-163). Be sure to submit your student’s updated immunization record. To find the list of school-required immunizations, visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environments website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/schoolrequiredvaccines.

    Change of Clothes:

    It is the expectation for all students to be fully toilet trained unless otherwise discussed. We know accidents happen, so if your student may need a change of clothes, please keep a bag in your child's backpack with a clean set of clothes (shirt, pants, shorts, socks, and/or shoes).

    Health Conditions:

    Many of our students have health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, allergies, epilepsy/seizure disorders, and other chronic illnesses. Please contact me if your student has any health conditions that could impact them during the school day so that we can plan for a successful start to your student’s educational journey!If your student has a medical condition that may require medication (over-the-counter, prescription) or nursing procedures (g-tube feeding, tracheostomy care, suctioning, etc...) during the school day a current signed order by your student’s health care provider is required. Orders need to be updated at the start of each school year. CCSD Health Services forms and action plans can be found here: https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/Page/1743

    For the safety of all students, please do NOT send medications in with your child to be given to the nurse or to be stored in their backpack for later use. All medications given at school REQUIRE an order from a provider and MUST be brought into the nurses office by an adult.

    When will you hear from the clinic?:

    We WILL NOT call you for every clinic visit for:

    • Bloody noses, scraped knees/elbows, stomachache, “I don’t feel good”, etc

    We WILL call you EVERY time for:

    • fever
    • Recurring vomiting
    • uncontrolled cough
    • significant injuries that may require more medical attention outside of schools
    • ignificant hit to the head or genitals
    • will LOOK DIFFERENTLY (from the neck up) when you see them after school
    • multiple visits to the clinic with the same complaint (either in the same day or over a short period of time)
    • if we have contacted EMS for an emergency
    • If you prefer to be contacted for every clinic visit please let me know

    Things to help keep your child safe and ready to learn while at school:

    • Close-toed shoes to help prevent injury on the playground and at PE
    • Pack an extra change of clothes in your students backpack in case of wet clothes or accidents
    • Appropriate attire for the weather
    • Apply sunscreen PRIOR to school. The school can not apply it without a physician's order.
    • Send students with a water bottle daily. Good Hydration = headache prevention
    • Eat breakfast which can help prevent stomach aches and headaches which in turn allows your student to stay in class and avoid clinic visits. Pack an extra snack just in case.


    When in doubt, call the clinic before sending your student to school. Students must be free from fever for 24 hours without the use of medication prior to returning to school.

Last Modified on September 18, 2024