CCSD Pre-Kindergarten School of Choice Form


    CLICK HERE to access the Pre-Kindergarten School of Choice form. 


    Only complete this form below if you fall into at least one of the following categories:

    1) You live within the Cherry Creek School District and you want your Pre-K child to attend a school that is not your neighborhood school.

    2) You are a Cherry Creek School District employee and you live outside of CCSD boundaries and you want your child to attend Pre-K at a CCSD school

    3) Your Pre-K student has siblings  who have been approved to attend a CCSD school  and you live outside of the CCSD boundaries and you want your child to attend Pre-K at a CCSD school

    The Cherry Creek School District gives families the opportunity to apply for enrollment in a Cherry Creek school of their choice. Applications are considered based on space availability. Priority is given to students with siblings who will be attending the same school and children of district employees. Families who live outside of the district with siblings currently enrolled in a CCSD, or with a family member currently employed by the district will be able to enroll their age-eligible student(s) into a CCSD pre-kindergarten program for the 24-25 school year. 

    PLEASE NOTE:  This is not the CCSDS admissions form.  You must complete the district's enrollment application in order to considered for pre-kindergarten in the Cherry Creek SChool District. If you live out of district, this form needs to be completed FIRST then complete the district's employment application. 

    PLEASE NOTE: This process is only for the 2024/2025 School Year.  You will have to apply through the CCSD School of Choice Process for future years.  

    Link To Admissions: 

    Link To Check your school of residence: 

    Link To UPK: 

    Link To Enrichment:

    Link to CCSD Early Childhood:

    We will notify you via the email address you have registered with at District Admissions regarding your child's official placement for the 2024-2025 School Year.


    CLICK HERE to access the Pre-Kindergarten School of Choice form. 

Last Modified on January 31, 2024