• CCSD In Person Summer School for Credit Recovery is for students who received a D or F in the equivalent class taken during the school year. Students who received an A, B, or C during the regular school year are NOT eligible to repeat the class in summer school to improve their grades. (Students seeking credit advancement/progression should refer to the online course information.) The in-person Hybrid Health and Hybrid PE classes will be available for any student needing credit recovery or credit progression.  

    In-person, summer school classes are available as a credit recovery program to students who received a D or F in the equivalent class taken during the school year. Students who earned a D in a class are eligible to take a summer school course that is equivalent to the course in which they received a D. The grade they receive in summer school will replace their initial grade, regardless of whether the summer school grade is higher or lower. The grade earned during summer school will be reflected on their transcript and be calculated into their GPA.

    Students who receive an F in a class are eligible to take a summer school course that is equivalent to the course in which they received an F. Students may take a summer school class to retrieve .50 of a credit, provided that they receive a summer school grade that is higher than an F. The grade earned during summer school will be reflected on their transcript and be calculated into their GPA.


    In-Person Session I:

    June 2–June 20, 2025 (no school on June 19)

    8:00 AM to 12:15 PM

    Smoky Hill High School

    • Registration opens: March 24, 2025 @ 7:00 am 
    • Registration ends: May 28, 2025 @ 12:00 midnight 

    In-Person Session II:

    June 23–July 11, 2025 (no school on July 4th)

    8:00 AM to 12:15 PM

    Eaglecrest High School 

    • Registration opens: March 24, 2025 @ 7:00 am 
    • Registration ends: June 18, 2025 @ 12:00 midnight 


    • Summer school hours are from 8:00 AM to 12:15 PM and are divided into two sessions with a break in between.  Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each session.
    • There are no excused absences in summer school. 
    • Any student arriving ten minutes after each session has begun will be assessed a tardy. There are no “excused” tardies in summer school, and three tardies equals one day of absence.
    • If a student accrues more than two absences, they will be automatically withdrawn from Summer School on the third absence. No refund or course credit will be granted.
    • Summer school classes are equivalent to semester classes compressed into 60 hours.
    • Online quarter classes are compressed into 30 hours.
    • Attendance for Online Classes will not be taken.

    Please Note:  If your student is on hold status with the Cherry Creek School District for any reason (Change-of-Address Needed, Renewal of Co-Residency or Temporary Guardianship, etc.), then the hold status needs to be cleared with District Admissions prior to the start of summer school classes. The link to the District Admissions webpage can be found at the following link:  https://www.cherrycrekschools.org/domain/1145.  

    Registration Link: https://cherrycreek.revtrak.net/other-programs/rw-summer-school

    Tuition and Pricing:

    • Class size is limited and registration is based on a first-come, first-serve basis.
    • Payment must be made at the time of registration.
    • Payment can be made by either debit card or credit card.
    • A limited number of CCSD scholarships are available for CREDIT RECOVERY only. Please speak with your high school counselor for details as ONLY a counselor can award a scholarship. During registration, if the scholarship button is checked and your student has not been approved, the registration will show an error and the registration cannot be completed. Please do not select the scholarship option if your student has not been approved.
    • 9th-graders who received an F during the regular school year receive an automatic 50% scholarship. However, students MUST take the summer school class for recovery before they enter 10th grade.


    • In-person session for In-District 9th-grader who received a D:  $250.00
    • In-person session for In-District 9th-grader who received an F:  $125.00 (9th Grade Automatic Scholarship)
    • In-person session for In-District Students Grades 10-12:  $250.00









  • Health - Hybrid

  • Personal Fitness - Hybrid

Contact Information:

Last Modified on January 22, 2025