• The Cherry Creek School District Options Homeschool Program serves to support homeschool instruction for its parents.  The Options Program is an optional program for parents who have chosen to homeschool their students and does not provide comprehensive educational programming found at Cherry Creek School District ("CCSD") schools. Students enrolled in the Options Program are not enrolled within CCSD. 


    Pursuant to C.R.S. 22-33-104.5(a) "Nonpublic home-based educational program" means a sequential program of instruction for the education of a child which takes place in a home, which is provided by the child's parent or by an adult relative of the child designated by the parent, and which is not under the supervision and control of a school district. This educational program is not intended to be and does not qualify as a private and nonprofit school.


    Pursuant to 1 CCR 301-8 4.02(1)(a), homeschool students that reside within Cherry Creek School District may be eligible to be evaluated or reevaluated for eligibility under the Individuals with Disabilities Act ("IDEA") and the development of an individual education plan ("IEP") for the provision of special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Act. 


    However, students that are homeschooled, including students accessing the Options Program, are not entitled to access special education services, including specialized instruction, or related services pursuant to an IEP. 


    However, students with physical or mental impairments may be referred for an evaluation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ("Section 504") to determine if the student qualifies as a student with a disability under Section 504 and whether the student needs accommodations to access CCSD programs, including the Options programs. Students will be evaluated under Section 504 in collaboration with parents, teachers, and Options program coordinators. 


    If your student is currently on an IEP, or has a Section 504 Plan, or your student has a physical or mental impairment and they may need accommodations, please indicate that information below. The information will not be considered in the enrollment determination into the Options program. However, if a box is marked "yes", we will schedule a conversation with you to address your student accessing the program and whether additional support is necessary for your student to access the program.