Gifted & Talented Programming

  • Our Mission: The purpose of gifted education in Cherry Creek Schools is to inspire students to maximize growth and cultivate talent in both academic and affective domains.

    Sena Black GT Teacher

    Students are identified as gifted/talented based on a body of evidence including standardized test scores and teacher observations. Students can be recommended for a gifted evaluation by a teacher, parent, or themselves.


    Indirect Services

    Students who are identified as gifted and/or talented receive academic and affective programming at Falcon Creek through their Advanced Learning Plans (ALP). Gifted students primarily receive academic services through advanced courses or cluster grouping, particularly in their area of identification. 

    Collaboration between gifted specialists, general education teachers, counselors, and special service providers ensures your student will be provided with programming that is designed to meet their unique academic needs while attending Falcon Creek. Some of the services may include the following:


    • Differentiation support

    • Flexible Cluster Grouping

    • Co-planning with general education teachers

    • Talent development support via electives course

    • Communication of enrichment and extracurricular opportunities


    Direct Services

    Gifted students at Falcon Creek will have the opportunity to be grouped with like-minded peers and receive affective instruction that is specifically tailored to the needs of the social-emotional goals they have selected. Students will also have access to their gifted teacher for one-on-one support, problem-solving, and advocacy.