
  • Where is my neighborhood school?

    To learn where your neighborhood school is located, use our Map Based School Locator

    If you do not live in the Cherry Creek School District or want a different school than your neighborhood school, the School Choice process closed on May 31st. The window to apply for the 2025-26 school year will be December 1st to May 31. Learn more about the process here

    What do I need to do to formally enroll my child(ren) for the 2024-25 school year?

    Cherry Creek Schools uses an online enrollment system. Current students do not need to re-enroll in the district, but new and current parents and families must complete Parent Forms to ensure correct contact information, medical needs, transportation needs, and more. Parent Forms open on July 8. Access Parent Forms through the tile in and find helpful guides to Parent Forms here.


    What day does school start for the 2024-25 school year?

    For the 2024-25 school year, we will be doing a "phase-in" approach where different grades start on different days.

    Elementary School

    August 12 | Only grades 3, 4, & 5

    August 13 | Only grades 1 & 2

    August 14 | All students (PreK-5)

    Middle School

    August 12 | Only grades 7 & 8

    August 13 | Only grade 6

    August 14 | All students (6-8)

    High School

    August 12 | Most high schools only have freshmen

    August 13 | Condensed schedule/modified schedule for all students

    August 14 | All students, first regular day


    Where do I update my address and other important information for the district to have on file for my student? 

    To update/verify your home address, or to add a second household, please e-mail the Student Household Information Form, your Verification of Residency documentation (only required if you live in the district) and your photo ID to For more information on updating your address, visit this website.


    What emergency contact information is currently on file for my student(s) in case of emergency or inclement weather?

    Be sure to check Parent Portal to ensure your phone number and e-mail address are accurate in case of weather delays, closures, or other emergencies. Parents/Guardians can update their household using the Guardian Update Tile located in the Parent Portal ( For more information on updating your address, visit this website


    Where can I find information on preschool and early childhood education information?

    The Cherry Creek School District will offer free, half-day pre-kindergarten at all elementary schools in the Cherry Creek School District starting in the 2024-25 school year.

    Pre-Kindergarten will be offered part-time (10 hours per week) in an AM session (8am-10:55am), or PM session (11:50am-2:45pm) format. AM/PM assignments will be determined by the school's principal.

    Transportation will not be provided for students. For more information on enrollment for Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten and finding a location, please visit this website.



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Last Modified on June 24, 2024