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Schedule Correction Policy
Students are expected to make their course selections during the registration window in the spring semester of each school year. These course selections represent decisions that are made collaboratively with the student, teachers, the student's counselor, and the student's parents. Based upon these requests, faculty members are employed, sections are created, textbooks are purchased, and rooms are allocated. The schedules students receive in August reflect these requests and are set for the entire school year.
Schedule Correction Deadlines
Schedule Repairs
First 2 days of the semester
Withdraw Pass/Withdraw Fail Window
Beginning of week 2 of the new semester – End of week 4
Drop F window
Beginning of Week 5
Level change to a higher-level course*
Beginning of semester – First 9 weeks
Level change to a lower-level course*
Weeks 5 - 9
*Level changes must go through the teacher and the department coordinator for approval.
Attendance and ALL Schedule Corrections
Students are responsible for attendance and grades in the originally scheduled class until the change is confirmed in PowerSchool. It is the student's responsibility to confirm any schedule changes with their counselor before attending the new class.
Schedule Repairs
Students may meet with their counselor to address the following schedule error corrections:
- Student does not have the prerequisites to take a scheduled class
- Student has already passed the class and it is not a repeatable class
- Level changes (requires a fully completed Level Change Form--see below for procedure)
- Error in the schedule (missing a core class or short the required number of classes for grade level)
- Additional classes to meet college requirements/graduation requirements
All schedule errors must be addressed in person by the student during the first two days of school. Email requests will not be considered.
Requests that will not be considered:
- Elective changes
- Teacher changes
- Periods off/lunch preference
- Changes to accommodate parent/student work schedules
2nd Semester Schedule Repairs:
- Must meet the criteria above
- Scheduling errors can be addressed in person by the student during the first two days of the semester following the scheduling policy outlined above.
Withdraw Pass/Withdraw Fail
If there is a need to drop a class during the first four weeks of the semester, a WP/WF form will be required.
- When a student, despite his/her own significant efforts is unable to continue satisfactorily in a class, the student's teacher may initiate a WP/WF request on the student's behalf. The process is completed upon final approval of the Department Coordinator, student's parent, and counselor.
- A grade of WP/WF will be entered on the student's transcript as an indication of work attempted.
- WP/WF will not be calculated into the student's cumulative grade point average.
Drop F
After the fourth week of the semester, a student requesting to drop a class will receive an F on their transcript.
- The student must obtain a Drop with an F Form from their teacher.
- A permanent grade of F will be recorded on the transcript and negatively impacts the student's GPA.
- If the drop makes the student short the required number of courses, the student will not be allowed to drop the class.
- Drop with an F Form must be approved by the Department Coordinator and must also be signed by the student's teacher, parent, and counselor.
Level Changes
A level change is appropriate only if it is determined that the student is either above or below the current class's academic level. The decision to change levels is made by the teacher, parent, and the student. As students were allowed to select their core classes in the spring, any student who wishes to level change down must remain in the class for four weeks before a level change will be considered; additionally, the student must take the first unit test. Students who wish to level change up may initiate the level change process immediately.
If a level change is appropriate, the procedure below should be followed:
- The student must first discuss the level change with their teacher. If the teacher agrees with the change, they will send the student to the Department Coordinator.
- If the Department Coordinator also agrees with the level change, they will provide the student access to the electronic Level Change Form.
- Once the form is submitted, the parent must email the Department Coordinator affirming their approval of the change.
- Before the level change process may begin, the student must have completed all homework, assignments, and tests to the best of their ability and must have sought assistance from the teacher.
- Level changes may be made up through the end of the first 9 weeks of the semester.
- The letter grade at the time of the level change accompanies the student to the new class.
- Level changes are only for core classes (i.e. Chemistry Honors to Chemistry).