Final Exams

  • Fall Semester 2024

    Tuesday, December 17, 2024 (3 Period Day)
    School Day: 8:20am to 1:10pm (buses depart at 1:20pm)*
    1A Final 8:20 to 9:50 90 minutes
    2A Final 10:00 to 11:30 90 minutes
    3A Final 11:40 to 1:10 90 minutes
    Wednesday, December 18, 2024 (2 Period Day)
    School Day: 8:20am to 11:30am (buses depart at 11:40am)*
    4A Final 8:20 to 9:50 90 minutes
    1B Final 10:00 to 11:30 90 minutes
    Thursday, December 19, 2024 (3 Period Day)
    School Day: 8:20am to 1:10pm (buses depart at 1:20pm)*
    2B Final 8:20 to 9:50 90 minutes
    3B Final 10:00 to 11:30 90 minutes
    4B Final 11:40 to 1:10 90 minutes
    Friday, December 20, 2024
    No bus service
    Final Exam Make-Ups by appointment with teacher

    *Hot and sack lunches will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00am to 1:15pm.

Final Exam Policies

Final Exams
The final exam schedule (date/period) will be posted every semester on the CTHS website. All students must follow the final exam schedule for mid-year exams. Final exams given at the end of the school year are scheduled in two parts, Senior and Underclassmen. Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors must take finals during their scheduled exam window.

Requesting an Early Final Exam
Students are not allowed to take a final exam early (before the originally scheduled date and period). The following exceptions may be considered, date dependent, with an administrator’s approval:

  1. A student will not be returning to CTHS the following semester and cannot make up the missed final.
  2. Missing finals and the finals’ makeup day due to a school-sponsored event.
  3. Medical-based absences may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
If a student meets one of the exceptions listed above, the student must request early finals through their counselor. The counselor/administrator, not the student, will communicate with the teacher(s) regarding approval/denial of early exam request.

If a student misses a final exam, a grade of 0 (zero) will be recorded in the gradebook and the semester grade will be calculated. No “Incompletes” will be given. Students will have the opportunity to make-up missed exams.

Final Exam Makeup
December exam makeup
In the event a student has an absence for a final exam the student may make up the exam. It is the responsibility of the student to coordinate their makeup exam with their teacher. They must complete the makeup exam within the first 4 weeks of the spring semester.

May exam makeup
In the event a student misses finals in May, students have the opportunity to make up their exam during a 2-week window following the last day of school OR during August. Students must contact their counselor to notify them of their need for late finals. Their counselor will then explain the process for scheduling these exams.