Purchasing Guide

  • Solicitations

    The method of solicitation is dependent upon the complexity and estimated cost of the item or service required. 

    • Purchases under $3,500 are processed through a procurement card. While competitive quotes may be obtained, they are not required.
    • Informal purchases over $3,500 are processed by soliciting at least three competitive quotations. There are several factors that are considered when choosing a quote; specifications; value; price; timeline; legal considerations, etc.
    • Formal bids for purchase over $25,000 are processed by issuing public Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Bids are tabulated and sent to the requesting school or department for recommendation. Proposals are evaluated by the buyer in conjunction with the school or department representative. Purchase orders or contracts are awarded to the responsible vendor(s) whose bid or proposal best serves the interest of the school district.
    • Major construction projects are managed through the District's Facility Planning in conjunction with Strategic Sourcing. (Construction office is located at 4700 South Yosemite Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111.)


    Purchase Orders (POs)

    A Purchase Order is notification of acceptance of a vendor's offer and creates a binding contract between the vendor and the School District. Purchase Orders are awarded based upon a combination of factors such as: Board policy compliance; competitive price quotations; timeline; adherence to specifications; quality; and performance consistent with bid requirements. 


    Payments to Vendors

    Vendors will be paid in a timely manner upon receipt of a correctly filled order and submission of an invoice. Questions regarding payments should be directed to the Accounts Payable Department. All invoices must reference the purchase order number assigned by the Purchasing Department.


    Cooperative Purchasing

    In an effort to achieve better pricing through quantity purchasing, Cherry Creek School District reserves the right to participate in cooperative bids with other local and national entities in lieu of initiating its own bid solicitation. The District is a participating member of two cooperative purchasing groups: the Cooperative Educational Purchasing Council (CEPC) and the Colorado Front Range Multiple Assembly of Procurement Officials (MAPO). Additionally, the District frequently purchases from State of Colorado pricing agreements, as well as other school district, cities, counties and General Services (GSA), bids.


    Ethical Behavior

    Strategic Sourcing activities shall be conducted in accordance with the Cherry Creek Purchasing Department Code of Ethics, District Personnel Rules and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding competitive bids. Ethical behavior is expected of each vendor doing business with the District. (Collusive and restraint of trade practices are expressly prohibited.)


    Cherry Creek School District is a tax-exempt governmental entity.
    (Tax Exemption Certificate No. 98-02138)

Last Modified on March 14, 2024