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- Cherry Creek School District No. 5
- Health
- Instructional Practices
Instructional Practices
A student-centered approach to health education is the most effective instructional strategy. Best practices in health education provide focus on the acquisition of both knowledge and skills that can be applied effectively in real-life situations. Health classes in Cherry Creek Schools:
- Offer learning environments that are inclusive and supportive of all students, regardless of race, ethnic origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or physical ability. All students, without exception, are acknowledged, appreciated, valued and respected.
- Focus on clear health goals and related behavioral outcomes.
- Offer a skills-based health education curriculum, instructional style, pedagogy used to support the teaching of health education standards.
- Address individual and group values, attitudes, and beliefs norms that support health-enhancing behaviors.
- Distinguish between universal and non-universal values.
- Focus on reinforcing protective factors and increasing perception of personal risk and harmfulness of engaging in specific unhealthy practices and behaviors.
- Address social pressures and influences.
- Build personal competence, social competence and self-efficacy by addressing skills.
- Provide functional health knowledge that is basic, accurate, and directly contributes to health-promoting decisions and behaviors.
- Use strategies designed to personalize information and engage students.
- Provide age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate information, learning strategies, teaching methods, and materials.
- Incorporate learning strategies, teaching methods, and materials that are culturally inclusive.
--Adapted from the Center for Disease Control, Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012.
Last Modified on February 26, 2019