I Want To...
- Cherry Creek School District No. 5
- Health
- Curriculum
Health Curriculum
Curriculum refers to the learning experiences that are provided to students in order to meet the rigorous standards in health. Effective health curriculum is comprehensive, sequential and developmentally appropriate (addresses physical, social, emotional, environmental, cultural dimensions), relevant, and participatory.
Colorado State Academic Standards in Comprehensive Health provide the framework for what to teach and include three main concept areas:
- Physical and Personal Wellness
- Emotional and Social Wellness
- Prevention and Risk Management
Elementary Curriculum:
At the elementary level, the health education curriculum is implemented by the classroom teacher.Secondary Curriculum:
Students are required to have .5 units of study in Health in high school to graduate from the Cherry Creek School District. Health education is highly recommended for middle school students.
Kindergarten Key Concepts and Topics
- Identify major food groups
- Practice personal hygiene
- Understand that actions impact others
- Respect personal space and boundaries of others
- Explain pedestrian and vehicle safety
- Communicate about unsafe situations
1st Grade Key Concepts and Topics
- Eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups
- Prevent illness and injury
- Express emotions in healthy ways
- Identify trusted adults
- Avoid safety hazards
2nd Grade Key Concepts and Topics
- Identify healthy food choices
- Recognize common illnesses
- Identify dangers of tobacco
- Identify safe use of household products
- Explain why bulling is harmful and how to respond effectively
- Demonstrate how to ask for help in an emergency or unsafe situation
3rd Grade Key Concepts and Topics
- Make appropriate food choices
- Treat self and others with respect
- Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills that support positive interactions
- Examine the dangers of tobacco
- Describe pro-social behaviors
- Identify ways to prevent injuries
4th Grade Key Concepts and Topics
- Set a personal goal regarding nutrition
- Examine how nutrition impacts physical health
- Understand the relationship among physical, social and emotional dimensions of health
- Identify healthy relationship behaviors
- Comprehend the concept of stress and stress management
- Identify positive and negative uses of medicines
- Demonstrate refusal skills to avoid using tobacco
- Demonstrate conflict resolution skills to prevent escalation to violence
5th Grade Key Concepts and Topics
- Engage in healthy eating behaviors
- Explain the human reproductive system
- Describe changes during puberty
- Demonstrate communication skills with trusted adults around health topics
- Understand transmission of disease
- Analyze factors that influence emotional health
- Access valid information about tobacco, prescription medicine, and over-the-counter drugs
- Demonstrate behaviors that reduce bullying and violence
- Demonstrate basic first aid and safety procedures
6th-8th Grade Focus Concepts and Skills
- Nutrition
- Family and peer relationships
- Personal boundaries and safety strategies
- Long-term benefits of healthy behaviors
- Mental and emotional health
- Avoiding alcohol and tobacco usage
- Self-management to avoid and prevent violence
- Safety hazards
- Accessing valid and reliable health information
- Cyber-safety
- Social and cultural messages about food
- Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy relationships (family, peers, and dating)
- Internal and external influences on sexual decision making
- Define sexually transmitted diseases and infections
- Communicating personal needs and limits
- Managing stress
- Consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
- Role of peers, family and media in safety
- Refusal skills and personal boundaries around sexual activity
- Benefits of sexual abstinence
- Common STDs
- Disease and unintended pregnancy prevention
- Resources for mental and emotional health
- Influence of culture, media and others on mental and emotional health
- Decision-making process to be alcohol and drug-free
- Advocacy for positive school and community environments
High School Focus Concepts and Skills
- Benefits of a healthy diet, consequences of unhealthy nutrition
- Family, peer and media influence on physical activity and food choices
- Personal responsibility for physical and emotional health
- Decision-making skills
- Refusal skills
- Goal-setting skills
- Self-management skills
- Communication skills
- Factors that influence individuals’ use or non-use of alcohol and other drugs
- Understanding factors that lead to violence and violence prevention
- Sexual assault, mutual consent and sexual violence prevention
- Reporting sexual violence
- Cyber-safety
- Self-harming behavior
- How to seek help for health concerns
- Interrelationship between physical, psychological, emotional and social health
- Stress management
- Advocacy for the health of self and others
- Accessing accurate and reliable resources and information about health topics and concerns