• Physical Education

    The goal of Cherry Creek School District Physical Education/Health Program is to prepare students for college and career readiness by enhancing the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of all students by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and maintain lifelong wellness and fitness. Students are encouraged to question, integrate, analyze, communicate and apply cognitive, psychomotor and affective concepts helping them gain a wide, multicultural view of the world through physical education/health learning experiences. Through regular participation in physical education/health, students will have the opportunity to develop a pattern of life‐enhancing and self‐rewarding experiences that contribute to their potential to be healthy adults.

    Boy crab walking in PE

    Guiding Principles and Beliefs

    Guiding principles form the basis of an effective physical education/health program. They drive all decisions related to instruction-- content, pedagogy, curriculum and assessment.  Effective physical education/health programs:

    • Contribute to the lifelong development of students by providing opportunities which positively impact and increase intellectual, social, emotional and physical fitness;
    • Provides learning opportunities which positively impact the academic success of students by stimulating brain growth;
    • Are an integral component of a student’s education as it contributes to the total fitness, growth and development of the child;
    • Enhance social development by emphasizing personal achievement, character and integrity through individual and team activities and sports;
    • Assist in reducing diseases and maladies that are caused by inactivity and childhood obesity;
    • Promote fitness, wellness and a healthy attitude toward daily exercise which leads to physical activity throughout life;
    • Promote respect for the uniqueness and dignity of self and others through physical activities;
    • Foster a learning environment that encourages students to maintain lifelong healthy eating habits, and physical, social and emotional health;
    • Improve student attendance and educational outcomes.

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Last Modified on March 11, 2024