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Athletic Registration
How to Register for Overland Athletics
Registration Deadlines
- Late registration will begin at 6:00pm on Monday, August 12.
- We will take late physicals and payments beginning Tuesday, August 13.
- The first official day of practice is Monday, August 12. (NOTE: Boys' Golf begins practice on August 5.)
Transfer Students
ATTENTION: If you attended a high school other than Overland, please complete this form: Athletic Transfer Form
Athletes will not be allowed to try out or practice until the following items are completed AND the athlete is cleared through the Athletic Office.
1. Registration
- The Athletic Registration Form is online: overland-ar.rschooltoday.com/home
- Click “Activity Registration” located under the Overland High School banner at the top
- Click the icon “Athletic Registration” to register
- Follow the instructions to create an account and register
- Complete each step, filling out the required fields
- Before the completion of registration you will be prompted to click on a link that redirects you to the CHSAA Arbiter Athlete website. Using the school code you will create a student athlete quick account. This must be done in order for registration to be complete.
2. Physical
- The Student Athlete will need a sports physical. This must be uploaded to your registration account prior to participation in the sport.
- Forms can be found on the website: overland-ar.rschooltoday.com/node/20
- Click on “Activity Registration” located under the Overland High School banner at the top
- Select “Other Forms” tab located at the top of the page
- Click on the Pre Participation Physical Form
- Upload a copy of your physical to the athletic registration site or bring a copy of your physical into the office.
3. Fees
- The athletic fee is $90
- This payment can be made to the bookkeeper or online.
- Do not use the PAYMENTS link for RevTrak payments. Athletic fees must be paid though the athletic website.
- This fee is not refundable after the third week of the start of the season.
- If you have Free or Reduced Lunch, please come to the Athletics Office with your district paperwork.