World Languages Department

  • World Language Image

    Mission Statement

    We, as World Language teachers, believe that all students have the ability to:

    • Acquire a second language
    • Enroll and be successful in four concurrent years of a second language
    • Achieve proficiency in a second language by the end of high school
    • Be empowered to acquire a second language through deliberate practice


Second Language Acquisition

  • One of the current trends in second language acquisition is a teaching methodology called Comprehensible Input, developed by Dr. Stephen Krashen.  This teaching methodology consists of engaging language learners in continual exposure to the second language.  Our teachers are committed to using the target language at least 90% of the time in class, in addition to using authentic resources such as audio and video of native language speakers.  Students will additionally be exposed to various print resources.  As your student’s instructor, we will work to provide a variety of diverse opportunities for students to expand their skills in the target language.  We will also provide various chances for students to remediate their skills and enrich their cultural understanding of the world.

    Learning a second language is a cumulative process. As such, students will show their understanding of essential skills through periodic assessments in which they will demonstrate the essential skills needed to advance in the language.  Teachers will be available for additional support for students who are struggling before school or during their planning periods.

    We believe that this philosophy of language acquisition will positively affect the achievement of our students.  We are excited to partner with you on your student’s journey of language acquisition.

World Languages Staff

  • World Languages
  • World Languages, Social Studies
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Heritage Speakers Program

  • Eaglecrest High School offers two levels of Spanish classes for heritage language learners. A heritage language learner is a student who has some proficiency in or a cultural connection to Spanish through family, community, or country of origin. At Eaglecrest we recognize that these students have diverse levels of proficiency in the language and connections to the language and culture. Our Spanish heritage program is design to address the unique needs of our students and develop their skills in a way that is specifically suited to them. Upon successful completion of levels 1 and 2  (Spanish 4 Honors), students will be prepared for Advanced Placement Spanish classes such as AP Spanish language and culture as well as AP Spanish literature.