
  •  Bill Hays

    Bill Hays - Department Chair

    • The science program at Grandview High School is designed to develop scientifically literate students. Students are taught to gather and use scientific information to understand the world, expand thinking, and solve problems. They will learn to use the basic tools of scientific inquiry including  scientific instruments, mathematics, technology, references, and reasoning. Our science program helps students apply the process of scientific inquiry to understand and study the natural world.

      We encourage all of our students to take four years of science. The variety in course offerings will allow students to choose options ranging from semester electives to the AP sciences.

      The science program at Grandview is divided into three sequences, each differing in the level of rigor. All sequences address the State Standards within the first two years. Students interested in science as a career option should consider taking courses in the Advanced Placement sequence that allow them to take 2-3 AP science classes. Due to the importance of mathematics in describing and measuring scientific events, placement in mathematics courses is important when deciding appropriate science placement. The flow chart below is only an overview, movement to a more rigorous sequence in future years is possible once the appropriate science and mathematical knowledge and skills have been obtained. Please refer to the ‘science course descriptions’ to obtain more details regarding math requirements, specific timing of courses offered, and other pertinent guidelines.

    • Science Courses 2024 - 2025
    • Science Faculty
    Science Department