• Mental Health Services:

    Grandview High School Mental Health Team consists of four full time school based Mental Health professionals. These professionals include two School Psychologists and two School Social Workers.  Grandview embraces a preventative and early intervention model, designed to meet the mental health, social-emotional and behavioral needs of all students. These professionals provide crisis intervention and support. Additionally, the team is also available for consultation on many issues which may affect learning and school success. We also recently added a grant-based position whose sole role is to work with students, staff and families around Substance Abuse prevention and intervention. 

Community Resources

Website Resources

  • Sources of Strength Wheel

    Sources of Strength

    Evidence-based program for suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse prevention through training, supporting and empowering both peer leaders and caring adults to impact their world through the power of connection, hope, help and strength. Focuses on the eight themes of Mental Health, Family Support, Positive Friends, Mentors, Healthy Activities, Generosity, Spirituality and Medical Access.

    Seize the Awkward

    Be The 1 To

    Know the Signs of Suicide

  • Wolf Head Logo

    Ms. Karina Bonilla

    SAS Assistant


    Email Ms. Bonilla

    Janet Gagnon






    Ms. Janet Gagnon

    School Psychologist - Student Last Name F - K, all grades

    Email Ms. Gagnon

    Amber Newcomb

    Mrs. Amber Newcomb

    School Psychologist - Student Last Name S - Z, all grades and Students identified as Gifted & Talented

    Email Mrs. Newcomb

    Alix McGlothan






    Ms. Alix McGlothan

    Social Worker - Student Last Name L - R, all grades

    Email Ms. McGlothan

    Lisa Wiltsee






    Ms. Lisa Wiltsee

    Social Worker - Student Last Name A - E, all grades

    Email Ms. Wiltsee

    Annie Walters






    Ms. Annie Walters

    Substance Abuse Counselor

    Email Ms. Walters


  • All Health Network

    Grandview High School has partnered with AllHealth Network to bring school based services to our school. AllHealth Network is a community based mental health center that has served our community for 60 years. Services include individual and group counseling. If you are interested in these services for your child, please contact your student’s counselor or mental health provider for more information. AllHealth Network accepts Medicaid and most private insurance to pay for these services.

    Thriving with ADHD for High School Students