PASS Partnership for Academically Successful Students

  • PASS Vision
    To eliminate the predictability of student academic achievement by race.

    Community Mobilization Goals

    1. Bridge the cultural gap between schools and parents/communities.

    One of the main focuses of the P.A.S.S. group is to bridge communication ties between families and our school in order to establish relationships with the intent of having meaningful dialogue about student achievement.

    2. Identify community resources that can be used to support students’ academic success.

    The P.A.S.S. partnership is committed to discovering the array of parent and community assets and resources available which can promote and support the academic success of all Cherokee Trail High School students.

    3. Learn to make community partnerships and parent-teacher relationships a constructive and intentional element of district/school reform efforts.

    The partnership will be meaningful, intentional, and planned. For systemic change to occur, policies and procedures that promote partnering with parents and communities must be developed.

    4. Involve community members in district/school planning process.

    The P.A.S.S. partnership values creating a network of support for students by involving a range of stakeholders in supporting the education planning for students. This requires the school to make their processes transparent, openly discussing challenges and inviting community responses to the needs of students.

    5. Improve relationships between teachers, parents and families.

    The family is a primary support for student learning and progress. It is important that teachers gain comprehensive knowledge of the range of support options parents can provide, and how to go about establishing effective relationships with parents.

  • PASS Meetings

    The P.A.S.S. group welcomes members of the Cherokee Trail High School community to share their perspectives and provide a voice in shaping the CTHS community. This group focuses on the lived experiences of our students of color. The group meets quarterly. Please plan to attend.

Date Time Location
Sep 12, 2023 6 - 7:30 p.m. Library
Nov 8, 2023 6 - 7:30 p.m. Main Office
Feb 7, 2024 6 - 7:30 p.m. Main Office
Apr 3, 2024 6 - 7:30 p.m. Main Office
  • Partnership for Multilingual Learners (PML)

    The family is a primary support for student learning and progress. Our goal at Cherokee Trail High School is to minimize and eventually eliminate language and cultural barriers in the following ways:

    1. Bridge the cultural gap between schools and parents/communities.

    The main focus of our group is to bridge communication gaps between our multilingual families and our school in order to establish relationships. Our goal is to support multilingual students to achieve their greatest potential.

    2. Facilitate parents’ ability to play an active role in their students’ academic success.

    Our partnership is committed to providing essential resources and technology to parents so they can play an essential role in their students’ academic success.

    3. Support students as they navigate the U.S. public school system.

    Our goal is to help our students be comfortable in the U.S. public school system. This also supports social and academic relationships with English-speaking peers.

    4. Identify community resources that can be used to support students’ academic success.

    Our team is committed to discovering the array of available parent and community resources that promote the academic success of all Cherokee Trail High School students.

    We look forward to collaborating with you!