School Safety

  • Overland High School is committed to providing a learning environment where students, staff, and community members feel safe. This includes attention to both physical and psychological school safety. Each year, we revise our Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Template, which outlines important safety procedures we follow. This includes items such as our​ drill schedules and plans for preparation and response to potential school emergencies. On a regular basis we conduct Fire, Secure Perimeter, and Lockdown drills, and we continuously revisit and revise all safety procedures. All of our procedures are designed in accordance with recommendations of best practice made from both external agencies and the Cherry Creek School District. By establishing such proactive measures, and continually reflecting upon and adjusting our plans as needed, Overland High ​School strives to promote and maintain a safe learning environment.

    For any questions related to school safety at Overland High School, please contact Sybil Booker, Assistant Principal, at 720-747-3750​.​​​​​​​