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The Legend Yearbook Staff is happy to assist you with your yearbook questions. Yearbook questions? Please use the information below or contact us:
Q: When are senior portraits due?
A: Please submit all senior portraits by Friday, October 25.
Q: Where do I submit my photo?
A: Here! You're in the right place. Click on the icon above or here for current submissions.
Q: Who should submit a photo?
A: Any member of the current graduating class.
Q: How do I format my senior portrait?
A: Click here to access a portrait guideline sheet.
Q: Do you have a photographer you recommend?
A: A list of preferred senior photographers can be viewed by clicking here.
A: Any professional-quality photos will be accepted. Please pay particular attention to the file size and format information listed above.
Q: If I don’t submit a photo, how will I be pictured in the yearbook?
A: Students who DO NOT submit senior portraits will be pictured using their school ID photo.
Q: How can I proof my senior photo?
A: Virtually proof your senior portrait in January. Details will be sent to students and parents through their emails on file in PowerSchool.
Yearbook Q & A
What if I haven't picked up my 2024 Yearbook yet?
Posted by:A: 2024 Yearbooks are available in room 271 during 3A/3B.
What if I haven't purchased a book yet?
Posted by:A: Don't miss out on your yearbook! Sales run annually from August to early May on the Jostens's website which can be accessed by clicking here.
What do I need to bring for pickup?
Posted by:A: Students must have a valid photo ID (school/state-issued) to pick up a book or a copy of their YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION TICKET. Students/families may not pick up a book for their friends.
What if I can't pick up my book during regular distribution?
Posted by:A: Any books not picked up during regular distribution can be picked up from room 271 during 3A/3B or the Activities during the final weeks of school.
A: During summer breaks, books can be picked up from the Main Office.
A: If your student no longer attends CTHS, please contact The Legend Yearbook staff at to make arrangements to receive your yearbook.