• Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Initiative: 

    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBS) focuses on maximizing academic success by explicitly teaching and continually reinforcing positive social behaviors in students and fostering a climate of safety and respect. We encourage all of our students to demonstrate “SOAR”ing (S=Safety, O=Organization, A=Achievement, R=Respect) behaviors contributing to a positive school climate.
    PBIS Incentives: 
    Adults in the building reward students for demonstrating “SOAR”ing behaviors by distributing Falcon Feathers. Students can then redeem their Falcon Feathers during their lunch at the Falcon Cart for merchandise. Merchandise includes pencils, erasers, bracelets, water bottles, Falcon Creek Spirit Wear, gift cards, etc. Falcon Feather Tables will be held on Fridays throughout the year. 

    Positive Behavior Referrals: 

    Adults also recognize students for “SOAR"ing through positive Behavior Referrals. Teachers complete the referral, communicate with parents, and submit the referral to the Dean’s Office. The designated Dean then follows up with a phone call home as well and assigns and provides a positive incentive.