Complete Parent Forms online at . You will use the email address and password you created previously. Parents new to CCSD will need to create an account.
Once logged into, you will need to click on the Parent Forms tile. It may require you to log in again.
All bus information is distributed by the CCSD Transportation Department. Bus assignments can be found at infofinder - Infofinder website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Transportation at 720-554-4664 or email Information is also available through the CCSD website ( on the Transportation Quick Link.
Parent Forms must be completed before students receive their class schedule. (Refer to STEP #1) Once parent forms are completed, student schedules will be emailed home.
Make sure we have an updated immunization record on file. All 11-year-old 6th graders need to have the Tdap vaccine prior to starting 6th grade. Please make sure you have completed this immunization prior to school starting and send or deliver verification to Liberty Middle School. You can fax the records to 720-886-2688. Any student new to the Cherry Creek School District must turn in a complete immunization record no later than the first day of school if the record was not part of their cumulative file.