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- Horizon Community Middle School
- Health Clinic
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General Clinic Information:
The Horizon Clinic is open during normal school hours, 8:50 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Insurance Questions?
CCSD has an Insurance Liaison. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Insurance Outreach at 720-554-5063
Colorado state law requires written proof of childhood immunizations against vaccine-preventable diseases. In middle school, the TDAP vaccine is required at the entry of 6th grade.
If you receive a letter stating that your child’s immunization record is not compliant, please take care of it ASAP. There are opportunities to receive immunizations free of charge or at a reduced rate. Please do not wait until the last minute to obtain these important vaccines. Once your child’s record is updated, please remember to provide a copy to the school nurse.
As per CDPHE, “If you choose not to have your student vaccinated according to Colorado’s school vaccine requirements for reasons that are nonmedical, you must submit a Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption to your school.
Nonmedical exemptions must be submitted annually at every new school year (July 1 through June 30). There are two ways to file a nonmedical exemption.
- File the certificate of Nonmedical Exemption WITH the signature from an immunizing provider in Colorado who is a physician (MD, DO), advanced practice nurse (APN), delegated physician’s assistant (PA), registered nurse (RN), or pharmacist licensed in Colorado; OR
- File the Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption, which you will be able to access upon completion of the state’s online immunization education module.
- Downloadable certificate and a link to the online education module are available at”
Medication(s)/Medical Procedure Forms:
- Prescription Medication(s): Prescription medication(s) require written permission from both a healthcare provider and a parent/guardian. Most pharmacies will provide an extra labeled container for school use if needed. If the medication, dose and/or directions change, a new form and pharmacy labeled container needs to be submitted.
Click here for Consent to give Prescription Medication Form
- Rescue/Emergency Medication(s): Rescue medication(s) require written permission from both a healthcare provider and a parent/guardian. Rescue medication(s) should be kept in the clinic unless written permission for a student to carry these prescription medication(s) has been agreed by the physician and school nurse, which in part requires that the student has demonstrated the necessary understanding and proper use of the medication. If the physician and school nurse agree for a student to self carry these medication(s), the school nurse will send home an agreement for a parent and student to sign.
Click here for Colorado Allergy and Anaphylaxis Healthcare Action Form
Click here for Colorado Asthma Action Plan Form
Click here for Seizure Action Plan Form
- Medical Procedures: Medical procedures that need to be done at school require a physician order
Click here for Permission for Nursing Procedures Form
Click here for Gastrostomy Tube Feeding Authorization Form
- Over the Counter Medication(s): Over the counter medication requires written parent approval (done on parent forms upon check-in) and if approved will be administered in the clinic. Students are not allowed to carry and self-administer any over the counter medication. If you choose to provide your own over the counter medication for your student, it must be in the original manufacturer’s container/packaging with an intact label and it will be kept in the clinic for administration by the nurse/clinic staff to your student only. If your child requires a dosage outside CCSD policy or needs over the counter medication more than once during the school day, a written order from a healthcare provider will be needed for the dose in addition to the parent’s signature. For any questions, please contact the school nurse.
Vision and Hearing Screenings:
All 7th grade students and any students new to the district will be screened for vision and hearing during the school year. If you choose to opt-out of any screenings, please contact the school nurse ASAP.
Illness at school and decreasing the spread: How can you help?
It is recommended that you keep your child home if they are sick. If anytime during the school year your child tests positive for Covid or the Flu or there are changes/updates to your child’s health, please contact your school nurse. Open communication will help keep your child safe during school hours.
For any additional or further information, please click here for CCSD Health Services Website
Jen Nible
Nurse, Horizon Community Middle School
Clinic Phone: 720-886-6210
Clinic Fax: 720-886-6212