Journalism Arts

  • Our Mission

    To provide an opportunity to enhance a student's civic engagement through collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication.

    The Program

    This program is an opportunity for students to combine left and right brain thinking through the application of student media/journalism. By completing this program, students will be able to share advanced learning and skills on college and scholarship applications and with future employers.

    Students interested in being a part of the program need to initially sign up to take Introduction to Journalism 1 to begin their path. Students can then pursue the program by taking the advanced courses: Yearbook, Newspaper or Sports Broadcast. Students will learn methods for storytelling in both verbal and visual ways to communicate information and ideas with the Raptor Community.

    The Application

    Interested students should complete the application no later than the first semester of their Junior year.  The application is in digital form. It requires three teachers to sign off on your ability to complete this program and it requires a parent/guardian signature. Please make sure you take the time to answer each section thoroughly. Applications are due by Friday, December 13, 2024.

    Complete the Journalism Arts Application

Program Requirements

  • Program Involvement

  • Program Electives

  • Graduation Requirements