School Safety

  • District Safety Information


    Visitors and guests are required to show photo ID upon each and every visit to the school.  If you have already been checked into the Raptor ID system, we may be able to look up your ID in our system, but the system is not a substitute to be relied upon.  If you fail to bring photo identification you may not be allowed to enter the building.  This is for the safety and well being of all students, which is our highest priority.


    Please remember, there are no dogs allowed on school property when school is in session.  This includes dropoff and pickup times.  Please know that this is for the safety of all students, both in case of dog bite, but also allergy or asthma complications.  If you do bring your pet after school hours, please clean up after your pet to ensure the sanitary conditions for kids to play safely.  Thank you for your assistance with this request.

Last Modified on August 22, 2019