About Us

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    Multiple classrooms at Dry Creek


    What makes Dry Creek stand out from other schools?

    • Flexible grouping: Students are grouped academically in grades kindergarten through five to ensure that every child's need is met daily. Groups are fluid and flexible.
    • Gifted and Talented: Our gifted and talented program makes services like accelerated academic instruction, pullout classes, and individual learning plans available to identified students.  
    • Master Teachers: Dry Creek Teachers have an average of 18 years of teaching experience, and about 80% of our teachers hold a Masters Degree
    • Collaborative Learning Environment:  Our academic program is supported by our team-centered classroom environment where students benefit from open observation of learning and instruction throughout the day allowing for ease of regrouping for ability-based approaches.  Students also benefit from having access to 3 highly qualified teachers at each grade level.
    • Outstanding Library:  Utilizing many community and parent volunteers, Dry Creek’s media center is a focal point of the school and is fully integrated into Dry Creek’s academic program. Dry Creek’s Library is the hub of many activities during the school day and after school.  The library and the STEM room were the focal points for our innovation renovation completed Summer 2019.



Last Modified on December 18, 2024