School Hours

  • Our school day is 8:00 am to 2:45 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  On Wednesdays our school day is from 8:00 am to 1:45 pm.  An early release on Wednesdays allows our teachers time to enhance their professional development and training opportunities each week. 

    Every day, the first bell rings at 7:55 am.  The second bell rings at 8:00 am.  Students who arrive after the second bell must enter through the main doors and pick up a late slip.

    Before School

    Unless your child is participating in a program before school, your child is encouraged to arrive during our morning "soft start" period.  Having a soft start allows teachers to greet their students at their classroom door, have students come into the classroom and prepare for the school day.  Kindergarten through Third Grade have a soft start beginning at 7:45 am.  Fourth and Fifth Grade students can enter their classrooms at 7:50 am. 

    Breakfast is available from the cafeteria free of charge beginning at 7:45 am. Students who would like breakfast should enter the school through their classroom door, check in with their teacher, then go to the cafeteria to pick up breakfast then return to their classroom with their breakfast.  

    Playground use is not permitted before school and adult supervision is not provided prior to 7:45 am on the school grounds.

    After School

    Please inform your child's teacher of the method in which your child will go home every day.  If there is a change to your child's normal plan, please call the office to get the message to your child.  The office phone number is 720-554-3500.

Last Modified on October 28, 2021