Principal's Message



Degrees and Certifications:

Molly Drvenkar

At Holly Ridge Primary and Holly Hills Elementary School, we celebrate a long history of excellence in achievement, growth, and community involvement. Being the Principal at the Hollys is a personal joy and professional privilege. Staff and families cultivate an exemplary learning environment with grand expectations for achievement in a loving atmosphere. We collaborate with staff, students, parents, and community members with a commitment to progress and development. We implement research-based, best practices in instruction with state of the art​ technology to promote high academic achievement and personal growth. Central to our efforts is an emphasis on rigor and relationships. Relationships are the vehicles that get us to the destination of rigor. Our students have interests, passions and talents. What happens in our classrooms has to be linked to student experiences, dreams and aspirations. It is my expectation that all staff members will engage students in rigorous and meaningful classroom instruction.

We accomplish our goals by developing personal and academic relationships with every individual. Our smaller learning communities are structured collaborations among groups of teachers and support staff members examining the content standards and assessments and planning for differentiated target instruction to meet the needs of each individual learner. As a professional learning community, we work together to build relationships that motivate our students to learn at the highest levels, and empower our parents and community to support our efforts.
The culture and climate of our school is reflected in the positive relationships formed between children and adults, as well as school and home.

The work ahead is always challenging, but as Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” We have countless bright lights among us. I welcome the challenges and look forward to celebrating the successes we attain in our quest to improve student outcomes at the Hollys. We need to be diligent not only in providing for and measuring academic rigor, but what Dr. King called the content of character. Together, we embody the Cherry Creek School District mission: “To inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, to care.”

Together in education,

Molly Drvenkar, Principal

Last Modified on April 29, 2024