I Want To...
- Rolling Hills Elementary School
- School Hours
School Information
School is in session for all grades
8:00 am to 2:45 pm M-T-Th-F
8:00 am to 1:45 pm WBell Schedule
7:50-8:00 am: Doors open for students to enter (if eating breakfast you may enter at 7:40 am through the front door, go straight to the cafeteria)
8:00 am: School starts
2:45 pm: DismissalSchool Visitors - Door Bell Entry System
The safety of our students is always at the forefront of district planning. Therefore, we have a doorbell entry system at our school. When you visit the school you must ring the doorbell on the silver speaker box. You must identify yourself and your reason for being at our school. The office staff will be able to talk to you as well as see you on a monitor. Once the staff has identified you and verified your reason for visiting, the door will be unlocked remotely. You will then use the Raptor Kiosk to check in either by scanning your ID or entering your information manually. To enter, you will push the silver button on the kiosk once you have completed checking in. Parents are always welcome and may visit at any time. However, teachers are expected to teach and focus on their students so they cannot visit with parents. You will not be able to go to the classroom without an appointment. If you are dropping your student off, you will be asked to do so at the office and will not be permitted to walk them to the classroom. If you wish to talk with the teacher, please email them to make an appointment or schedule a conference. If you wish to volunteer please work with the teacher to set up a time to volunteer. You will also need to complete the distrcit volunteer
Please call the attendance line listed above before 8:00 am to report your child's absence. The attendance lines are available 24 hours a day.
In case of illness children should stay home until:- They are fever free (less than 100°) for 24 hours
- Vomiting and diarrhea have subsided for 12-24 hours
- Strep infections have been treated with medication for 24 hours
- d. Parents have checked with the school or their doctor regarding minor contagious illnesses.
It is very important that students arrive at school on time, between 7:50 am and 8:00 am. Students who arrive after 8:00am are considered tardy. All absences, tardies and early dismissals are recorded for documentation. When a child accumulates 10 absences or tardies, parents/guardians will receive a letter from the school.
Attendance Policy
Cherry Creek School District will be sending automated text, voice, and emails to all students that have not been called in with an excused absence or tardy. Our attendance line is 720-886-3495. This number must be called before 8:15 AM to avoid a text, voice, and email. Please use the attendance line for attendance issues (it is available 24 hours/day) to be sure you will not receive an automated call. If you do receive a text, voice, and email, then call 720-886-3495 to excuse your student.
No Left Turn Sign
The Arapaho County Sheriff will be monitoring and enforcing the NO LEFT Turn sign during certain hours of the day. This is a sign installed by the police department located across from our exit. Please read the sign to be aware of the times in which this will be enforced.