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- Greenwood Elementary School
- Second Grade
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Second Grade
Team: Erin Appel, Beth O'Loughlin and Katie McClelland
Philosophy and Goals:
Our philosophy is to inspire, to care and to motivate our students to help them reach their highest potential. Together we help our students develop strong work habits, encourage positive behavior, achieve academic success, become college and career ready, and become productive citizens of their community using the Colorado Academic Standards.
Curriculum Highlights:
Literacy - Students will:
- Read and comprehend complex informational text (non-fiction)
- Read for meaning and understand complex literature, including stories and poetry
- Identify key ideas and details within grade-level text
- Determine the craft and structure within a range of genres
- Respond to reading through thoughtful conversations and written reflections with text evidence
Writing – Students will write to:
- Inform and Explain – introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement
- Narrate – recount a well elaborated event with a clear beginning, middle, and end that includes details
- State an Opinion – form a point of view on a topic or book with ideas that support the opinion
Math – Students will make sense of mathematical problem solving and persevere through:
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking:
- Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
- Add and subtract within 20
- Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication
- Numbers and Operations in Base Ten:
- Understand place value
- Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract
- Measurement and Data:
- Measure and estimate lengths in standard units
- Relate addition and subtraction to length
- Work with time and money
- Represent and interpret data
- Geometry:
- Reason with shapes and their attributes
Science – Students will engage in FOSS Science investigations and demonstrate an understanding of:
- Earth Science: Air and Weather
- Life Science: Plants and Animals
- Physical Science: Balance and Motion
Social Studies – Students will utilize Social Studies Alive curriculum, which focuses on the following topics:
- My neighborhood and community
- Citizenship and personal financial literacy
- North and South American communities
- Making a difference in communities
- Maps and globes (geography)
Last Modified on August 14, 2021