I Want To...
From the Nurse
- Here at Independence, we want to teach our children to be their own health advocate. So as parents, please teach the importance of getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy breakfast & lunch, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and washing their hands before eating, after using the restroom and after play. Here in the clinic the nurse will also provide teaching whenever possible to help students learn the importance of health in their own life!
- Please be sure your student's immunizations are up to date or that you have a valid exemption form on file.
- Please note all medication has to be in the orginal pharmacy labeled package with the student name on it, and not expired.
More Information From the Nurse
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Immunizations Page for Grades K-12 Link
If your student contracts any contagious disease, such as strep throat, flu, chicken pox etc., please notify the school nurse immediately, and inquire about district policies and procedures regarding school attendance and when to stay home/return to school.When is Too Sick: When to Stay Home, When to go Home
Prescription Medication
The school nurse must be notified before any medications are sent to school with students. Most medications can be administered before or after school. When medications must be brought to school, the nurse is required by District Policy and state law to have a "Permission to Give Prescription Medication at School" form on file with the doctor's signed order and the parent's signature. The medication must be brought in its original container, labeled with the student's name, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the time and number of days it must be administered. New forms must be completed every school year.
Over the Counter Medication
Can be given if parent has submitted online parent forms giving the school nurse permission to do so.
If your child has medications for any of the above named health conditions, we ask that you have your provider fill out care plan forms (see link), that you also sign. This will give us direction on what to do should an emergency arise. We do this for your child's safety. These medications also need to be in the original container, labeled with the student's name, name of the medication, and dosage.
Should you need further information regarding the following:
- Consent to Give Prescription or Homeopathic Medication at School
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Health Care Plan
- CDE Asthma Action Plan
visit the CCSD Health Services webpage.
Does your child have insurance coverage?
For more information please visit the Cherry Creek Insurance Outreach web page.