Willow Creek Library

  • A corner of the library with book shelves


    About Our Library

    Willow Creek's library is the heart of the school, with the classroom wings radiating from its central location. It has over 14,000 physical items available for checkout, including books and multimedia items such as CDs, books on ereaders, and playaways. Students may also borrow items from other Cherry Creek schools. In addition, we have a growing digital collection that offers ebooks, audio books, and videos through Overdrive. And last, we provide access to online databases and resources, such as the Britannica encyclopedia and BrainPop.

    Classes visit the library once a week; the number of items students may check out each week depends upon their grade level. Students may also drop in to check out materials during the school day. While in their classrooms, students can access library materials through the "myLibrary" tab in the my.cherrycreekschools.org portal.

    In keeping with the requirements for a 21st century education, the library is well-equipped with technology. Students are welcome to use computers during library hours, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.

    Library resources are available from home or anywhere students have Internet access. There are two easy ways to get to them:

    The links below will take students directly to our library catalogs:


    If you would like more information about our digital collection and how to access it, the instructions below are good resources:

    Interested in Helping?

    Parent and community volunteers are vital to the functioning of our library. Volunteers shelve books, help students find and check out books, create displays, and do other invaluable work. If you would like to volunteer, drop by the Library or call Cara Scheerer at 720-554-3919.

Last Modified on December 13, 2022