Physical Education

  • Amy Sims - P.E. Teacher

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    Physical Education at Peakview offers students an opportunity to explore and develop their physical abilities within a variety of movement experiences.  Curriculum and assessments are aligned with the Colorado state standards.  Activities include team sports, individual sports, fitness, dance, cooperative activities and games.  Children are encouraged to maximize their skill level, fitness and sportsmanship while experiencing a wide range of activities.  Lessons in the gym integrate math, social studies, science, and language arts whenever possible.  Examples include obstacle courses from around the world and our word of the week program in 3rd – 5th.  There is also a focus on muscles and bones.  Students can also choose to participate in extracurricular intramural opportunities before and after school.

    The focus with primary students (K – 2nd) is locomotor movement (hop, jump, skip, gallop, slide, leap and run).  We also start laying the foundation for sports with activities incorporating hand/eye coordination, balance, throwing and catching, and striking skills with hand and foot.

    Intermediate students (3rd-5th) are more sport specific in their lessons. Through the course of the year they experience lessons in football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer, hockey, tennis or badminton, lacrosse and track and field.  During station activities they also experience an array of different activities including jump rope, juggling, golf,  tinikling, rock wall climbing, ping pong, ice skating slides, scooter boards, clown bikes, gyrocycles and much more.

    The ultimate goal of physical education at Peakview is for children to learn the skills necessary for the lifetime enjoyment of and participation in physical activity.​

Last Modified on September 5, 2024