
  • art class

    The art room is an exciting place to be when children are creating! We learn many things during art class at Rolling Hills Elementary School. Students learn the elements and principles of design, in addition to relevant art history, and make cross-curricular connections from their art projects to classroom learning experiences. Colorado Art Standards are all covered completely: observe and learn to comprehend, envision and critique to reflect, invent and discover to create, relate and connect to transfer. In grades 1-5, students create online digital art portfolios to display their work, reflect on their own art, and give positive feedback to other students on their projects. We combine art and technology whenever possible to enhance student learning. In addition, students work with a variety of media in the art room; incorporating clay, painting, sculpture and drawing basics, while covering varied subject matters. The art room is an exciting place of exploration, learning, creating and having fun!

    Please visit our school's art website! There is information for parents, photos of the projects we are working on, and fun activities and art website links for kids. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have.

    - Ms. Taylor
    “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” -Pablo Picasso

Last Modified on June 3, 2019