Student Achievement Services (SAS)

  •       The Student Achievement Services team at High Plains develops Individual Education Plans for students with disabilities under guidelines mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Additionally, the team serves as a resource for parents, classroom teachers and students.

    Our team consists of the following members:

    Dr. Cat Thompson, School Psychologist, Mental Health Provider: Dr. Thompson provides educational opportunities for students by teaching Bullyproofing and our HERO expectations in the general education classroom. She helps with classroom interventions, ADHD screenings, crisis intervention and assessments, and assessments that are part of special education. Dr. Thompson organize the High Plains PBIS Initiative and the Peer Ambassador Program.

    Latha Joseph and Sara Lauerman, Learning Disabilities Teachers: Ms. Joseph and Miss Lauerman provide assessments and services to students to identify students who do not achieve adequately for the child’s age or to meet grade level standards. They utilize research-based interventions to help remediate educational deficits.

    Marilyn Ochs, Learning Disabilities Para Educator: Ms. Marilyn assists students with classroom activities, including adapting the curriculum to individual student needs. She implements student accommodations, therapeutic procedures and programs, and behavior strategies. 

    Maureen Simon and Rachel Lord, Speech/Language Pathologists: Mrs. Simon and Ms. Lord provide speech and language assessments and services to students to determine identification of disabilities. They provide appropriate programming to students with articulation, receptive and/or expressive language or other various language-based disabilities. 

    Ashlyn Kennedy, Occupational Therapist and Julia Brown, Physical Therapist: Ms. Kennedy and Mrs. Brown provide assessments and services for students with fine and gross motor needs, sensory processing and ADHD. Physical coordination and eye hand coordination are examined as well as a child’s independence in daily routines and self-help skills.

    Natalie Bradshaw, ILC teachers: Ms. Bradshaw provides assessment and services for student with severe needs and Autism. The ILC (Integrated Learning Center) teaches life skills, and adapts general education curriculum as a foundation for learning. Many students are mainstreamed in the general education classroom. 

    Renee Shykind, School Nurse: Renee Shykind is a National Board Certified School Nurse here at High Plains. Nurse Renee serves as the physical health liaison to the team. Nurse Renee conducts the health assessments for students being assessed for IEP's. Nurse Renee also provides support to special education students that require medical interventions during the school day. Ms. Shykind also assists the team in setting the medical accommodations that promote the child's availability for education.

Last Modified on August 17, 2023