General Information

  • Attendance

    When your child is sick or late, you are required to call the attendance line, 720-554-3595. This is a 24-hour call line.

    Regular, on-time attendance is an essential factor in providing an excellent educational experience. Missing several days of school and being late even a few minutes disrupts the learning momentum for students. We depend on parents to minimize your child's absences by keeping them home only when they are sick, getting them to school on time, taking them to appointments outside of the school day, and traveling out-of-town when school is not in session. We hope to have each child present in school every day and on time.

    Parents and Visitors

    To ensure safety, all doors at Heritage are locked. All parents and visitors must enter through the main doors, sign in and wear a visitor tag, before, during and after our school day. Please have your driver's license or state ID ready to be scanned via the CCSD Raptor visitor management system prior to admittance into the building.

    If you need to help your child at the end of the day or you have an after-school appointment set with a teacher, please enter through the main doors, sign in and obtain a visitor's sticker a few minutes before dismissal. After the bell rings, walk to your child's classroom.

    Having Lunch With Your Child

    You are welcome to have lunch with your child during his or her lunch time.

    Dress Code

    We expect students to dress in a way that helps them focus on learning and feel comfortable in the classroom. Please follow​ these guidelines:

    1. Regular shorts and tops are recommended. T-shirts must be worn under muscle shirts, especially those with large openings. Shoulder straps must be two fingers wide. Spaghetti strap tops or dresses need to be worn with a shirt underneath. Shirts need to cover the entire stomach and back.
    2. Shorts need to cover the thighs. Short shorts and short skirts are not acceptable.
    3. Shirts with advertisements for products not used by children and inappropriate language are not acceptable.
    4. Tennis shoes are required to participate in PE and to play on playground equipment. All shoes / sandals need to be safe for fire and tornado drills (no flip flops or footwear that do not have heel straps or covered toes).
    5. If a child dresses inappropriately, he or she will be asked to change into proper clothing.


    Please do not bring pets to school. Many children are afraid of or allergic to animals.


    Click here to see our complete Parent and Student Information packet



Last Modified on October 28, 2024