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- Cherry Creek School District No. 5
- District Library & Library Services
Our Mission
The District Library promotes student achievement by serving the information needs of administrators, faculty, staff, students, and the community with the highest quality educational resources available.
District Library Catalog for Books, Kits and Tests
Literacy and Innovative Technology (LIT KITS)...combine technology resources with literature resources to create new student learning experiences. See our handout for details.
Online Resources
SORA by Overdrive Digital Library for Ebooks, Audiobooks & Magazines
CCSD Core Values on TeachingBooks
Professional Databases and Journals Collection
Collections and Services
Individual School Library Catalogs
For Library Staff
District Library Groups Training Site
Overdrive Digital Library Manual
Try Out Our New Technology Kits!
ClassVR provides all the tools you need to deliver exciting and engaging VR & AR learning experiences. Simple classroom controls allow teachers to quickly and easily access curriculum content and manage each headset during a lesson. All of the headsets come in rugged storage and charging cases to keep headsets safe and ready to use at all times. Our set includes 8 headsets and controllers.
District Library
Room 529
Fremont Building
14603 E. Fremont Ave
Centennial CO 801128:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday, Year-RoundMain phone: 720-554-5870
distlib@cherrycreekschools.orgLen Bryan - Partner, Library Services
lbryan2@cherrycreekschools.orgLibrary Staff:
Carla Kinsella
ckinsella@cherrycreekschools.orgMarie Dante